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how many lost souls (2 or 3 liner) can you have in a t2 deck? you could make it follow the same rule per card (rescue twice it counts as two) regardless of being shuffled
yeah but if you rescued 1 once you could rescue the next one to appear or one that is in play one more time to count as two so they could tap 2 or 3 for you if there are more in play and you never get them until sog nj or something same stalling strats but less repetitive chasing the same rescue
i really want more people's opinion on this because even redoubter is saying straight up ban haha seems like he either wants it or hates it probably common in most cases which is where i'm trying to suggest an in between balanced ruling
We can't make it not reset in hand, deck or discard. All cards reset in those locations, and this is not a card that you can have a "per game" wording or ruling about, simply because that wording expands to all copies of that card. This obviously would not work for a Lost Soul card.
Select any Redeemed Soul and return card to your Land of Bondage. Character is treated as a Lost Soul. Subtract the rescue from appropriate player's current score.
same way holy grail shuffles still one has one use after being used once same as jeph or amaziah one use per game etc. same rules different ruling here which is actually against what the card says even to the errata "must be rescued twice counts as two" that simple