Author Topic: Long List of Noob Questions.  (Read 1860 times)

Offline SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx

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Long List of Noob Questions.
« on: August 04, 2019, 03:19:59 AM »
1.) Does the capture portion of King Tiglath-Pileser III's ability put the lost soul in the opponent's land of bondage?

**King Tiglath-Pileser III "If blocking, opponent must capture their human Hero, reserve their active Artifact, or give you a City. You may draw
1 or activate an idol from Reserve. Cannot be negated by a good card."

2.) Does His Name allow the opponent to have special iniative to play an interrupt or negate prior to me discarding the evil card from his hand?

**His Name - "Withdraw all Evil Characters.  Reserve an evil card from opponent's hand."

3.) Does the generic identifier allow you to have multiples in a deck?

4.) If you play a weapon class enhancement in battle do you have to attach it?  Can you discard it after battle?

5.) False Leaders is triggered from a search, I get Treasures of War from reserve to discard artifact, can he target it with Three Woes before used
since i get to play immediately with False Leaders.

**False Leaders - "If an opponent uses a search ability, you may play an evil territory class Enhancement from Reserve (or discard pile if that
player has hand advantage) on this card."

**Three Woes - "Place in territory: Negate a card of a different alignment than this card for one round. Each upkeep, you may negate a card of a
different alignment than this card for one round."

**Treasures of War - "Place in territory: You may discard this card to negate and discard an Artifact or the last Artifact activated. Cannot be
negated if a brown king is in play."

6.) City of refuge as a site protects OT humans from discard all game as long as it's in play and not being negated?  As a fortress do you get to return the
character during your upkeep phase?  Does it hold both good/evil characters?  What alignment is it as a city? Good?

**City of Refuge - "SITE: Protect O.T. humans from discard. FORT: Once per turn, if an opponent’s ability harms your O.T. human, you may hold it
here instead."

7.) If Book of the Covenant is discarded are cards held in it discarded or placed in art pile?

**Book of the Covenant - "You may take a Covenant from Reserve (or deck if you control a Tabernacle priest). Protect contents from evil cards.
Contents cannot be negated. Each upkeep, if a Covenant is here, you may draw 1."

8.) The "If the only hero in battle is warrior class" part of Bravery of David part only works if it is a single hero?  If I have 5 who are all
Warrior Class it does not work correct?

**Bravery of David - "Negate an evil card. If the only Hero in battle is warrior class, you may discard an Evil Character. Cannot be negated if
David is in play."

9.) Who chooses who to discard when using Hur?  The person controlling Hur I assume?

**Hur - "Reveal the top X cards of a deck: Discard an evil card, put a Lost Soul in play and underdeck the rest. Cannot be negated.

10.) If Majestic Heavens is shipwrecked in the same phase does the lost soul and reserved card go back?

**Majestic Heavens - "If a Lost Soul is put here, you may topdeck a card matching that Lost Soul's testament from Reserve to create a Lost Soul
token in an opponent's Land of Bondage."
« Last Edit: August 04, 2019, 03:45:28 AM by SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx »
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Offline SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx

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Re: Long List of Noob Questions.
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2019, 03:21:18 AM »
11.)  If Necromancer copies Job's Wife special ability does it negate necromancers ability and if it does are enhancements in battle also

**Necromancer -"You may discard the bottom card of a deck. Banish a human from a discard pile to copy its special ability. Cannot be prevented."

**Job's Wife - "Negate characters and Enhancements (except those with a Job reference)."

12.) Can the New Jerusalem National promo copy three woes if played as good and if so does it only work for that turn or the rest of the game?

**New Jerusalem - "Copy the last good Dominant played during this phase"

**Three Woes - "Place in territory: Negate a card of a different alignment than this card for one round. Each upkeep, you may negate a card of a
different alignment than this card for one round."

13.) Does Captain of the Host (Wa) Prevent territory class cards?

**Captain of the Host (Wa) - "Interrupt and prevent all special abilities except banding. Fight by the numbers."

14.) Is Covenant of Noah able to discard Sun Worship?  Or does it not discard it and just interrupt and prevents it for one turn than next
upkeep it reactivates?

**Covenant of Noah - "Use as an enhancement or an Artifact. Interrupt and prevent one evil enhancement. Discard after use."

**Sun Worship - "If used by an Egyptian, place in territory: If an opponent uses a draw or search ability, you may discard the top X cards of
their deck."

15.) If my opponent has Moses in play and Distressed lost soul in play than I play Flying Scroll to steal Moses, does his ability deactivate
than reactivate in between (making Distressed negate him) or is Moses negating Distressed Lost Soul?

**Moses - "Negate Enhancements, Lost Souls and characters in territories (except [cloud] cards). While in battle, negate Enhancements and
characters in the Field of Battle (except [cloud] cards)."

**Lost Soul (Distressed) - "Negate characters in other territories."

**Flying Scroll - "EE: Reserve a Hero in battle and a good card from opponent’s hand. ART: You may banish this card to take a multi-brigade or
territory class character."

16.) Is Doomed Canaanites able to discard captured heroes?

**Doomed Canaanites  - "STAR: Give this card to opponent’s territory. EC: Each upkeep, you must discard another card in territory. If you
cannot, discard this card."
« Last Edit: August 04, 2019, 03:23:32 AM by SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx »
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Re: Long List of Noob Questions.
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2019, 09:11:54 PM »
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Only if the art is different
4. I think it automatically attaches after battle if it can. I don't think you can choose. But I see it going either way. I would say you should be able to choose to keep it or not, but weapons have had different rulings over the years and this is what I remember last. :dunno:
5. I think he could Woes Treasures before you can discard it because it has a place ability and an optional ability. Conversely, he would be able to Woes False Leaders and cascade negate Treasures, I think.
6. Yes. Preparation phase, I think. Yes. Site is neutral, Fort is good.
7. Discarded
8. Must be one Hero.
9. Hur's controller.
10. Yes
11. Job's Wife returns to discard, Necro's discarded card goes back, but the battle is still by the numbers.
12. The copy only lasts for 1 phase. So NJ would not stay on the table like Woes.
13. While he's in battle, yes.
14. No. You may use it to negate SW for that phase, and then Covenant of Noah is discarded.
15. Moses would be negated by their Distressed LS. His ability turns off when he leaves the table.
16. No. Cards cannot target LS unless it's specified in their ability or the card targets all cards in a location.

*Thanks much for posting all the abilities! Very helpful. 8)
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Re: Long List of Noob Questions.
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2019, 10:37:08 PM »
I can confirm 5. Dominant initiative takes precedence over "at any time" abilities. False Leaders' play ability gets Treasures placed, but there's still a chance to play dominants before you can use it. This also means you can, say, use Angel of the Lord on Profane Daughters after your opponent activates Magic Charms on her but before they discard it to capture you.
If a fortress doesn't have a provision for adding or removing a character, it defaults to prep phase. So yes, you can return your character from City of Refuge during prep.
For 15, remember that Take abilities default to hand, so Moses leaves play until the player who played Scroll gets a chance to drop him. I believe that if he was taken directly to territory he would still blink and be negated, but I'm not certain (although it doesn't really matter).
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Long List of Noob Questions.
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2019, 11:16:34 PM »
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Only if the art is different
4. I think it automatically attaches after battle if it can. I don't think you can choose. But I see it going either way. I would say you should be able to choose to keep it or not, but weapons have had different rulings over the years and this is what I remember last. :dunno:
5. I think he could Woes Treasures before you can discard it because it has a place ability and an optional ability. Conversely, he would be able to Woes False Leaders and cascade negate Treasures, I think.
6. Yes. Preparation phase, I think. Yes. Site is neutral, Fort is good.
7. Discarded
8. Must be one Hero.
9. Hur's controller.
10. Yes
11. Job's Wife returns to discard, Necro's discarded card goes back, but the battle is still by the numbers.
12. The copy only lasts for 1 phase. So NJ would not stay on the table like Woes.
13. While he's in battle, yes.
14. No. You may use it to negate SW for that phase, and then Covenant of Noah is discarded.
15. Moses would be negated by their Distressed LS. His ability turns off when he leaves the table.
16. No. Cards cannot target LS unless it's specified in their ability or the card targets all cards in a location.

*Thanks much for posting all the abilities! Very helpful. 8)

4. It's optional. You choose at the end of a battle whether or not to equip any unequipped weapons.
11. This is correct, clarifying for those wondering why that an ability can never cascade itself.

The rest of these all seem correct to me.


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