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When using the take ability, the targeted card is moved from a location of your opponent to your equivalent location.
Is this still true? Can you not take a site from an opponent and put it in your hand? Then discarding the site next turn
A card that is targeted by a take ability is removed from its previous location and placed in the hand of the player who used the take ability. That player now controls the card that was taken.
As far as I am aware Alex is incorrect and Gabe's old post is correct. Take defaults the taken card to the same location as it came from (take from hand goes to hand, take from territory goes to territory, etc).
Quote from: Chris on July 09, 2013, 02:29:15 PMThe biggest issue with Philistines right now is that many decks are using Nazareth, which pretty much shuts them down.Philistines also have the perfect counter to Nazareth in Land Dispute. By default a take ability puts the taken card into your hand and allows the Philistine player to commence searching.
The biggest issue with Philistines right now is that many decks are using Nazareth, which pretty much shuts them down.