It would only fit my desire for consistency if we left The Pit and Tartaros alone, or if we eratta'd both of them due to them having similar wording.
Wording is not reason to errata a card. See also: Split Altar
If Tartaros is so capable of breaking the game that it needs to be set aside, then can't we at least have The Pit also be set aside for consistency sake?
Holy Grail was errata'd to only convert in territory because it could break the game as written. Do you want us to errata every single conversion card to only work in territory for consistency's sake, due to the similar wording?
Almost no one uses either one of these cards, and having them both set aside wouldn't seem to cause any problems. But it would seem less arbitrary
If there's a reason that would be considered arbitrary, my vote would go to "because it doesn't get played very much".