Author Topic: Joseph, the Dreamer + another Joseph resp. Jacob (Israel) + Jacob in same T1Deck  (Read 1921 times)

Offline Reth

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Hi there,

subject tries to formulate it:

Can Joseph, the Dreamer and another "plain" Joseph be used in same T1 deck?
And same question for Jacob (Israel) and "plain" Jacob => can they be used in same T1 deck?

Thanks for clarification!


Offline RedemptionAggie

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No. That's been the rule as long as I've been playing, but we added a line to the deck building rules in REG 6.0.0 to clarify that. In the REG, it links to the list of duplicate cards.

Cards (except generic characters) with special abilities that are listed as duplicate cards and have the same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.

These are unique Redemption® characters with different card titles:
• Aaron (G, Pa, Pi, Di) or Aaron, God’s Mediator (PoC)
• Abed-nego (Azariah) (PoC) or Abednego (Azariah) (FF)
• Abram (Pa) or Abraham (Pa, CW)
• Ahab (B, C, Or) or King Ahab (RA2)
• Ahaziah (Pr) or King Ahaziah (PC)
• Amram & Jochebed (CW-Alt) or Jochebed (Wo) or Moses’ Parents (CW-Main)
• Angel of His Presence (Ki) or The Angel of His Presence (PoC)
• Angel of Might (Ki) or The Angel of Might (RJ)
• Antonius Felix (EC) or Governor Felix (Ap)
• Bartholomew (Di) or Bartholomew (Nathaniel) (Ap)
• Bear (D) or The Bear (RA, PoC)
• Belshazzar (Pr) or King Belshazzar (FF2)
• Chief Captain Lysias (Ap) or Claudius Lysias (PC)
• Daniel (Pr, CW, P) or Daniel, the Apocalyptist (LR)
• David -Green- (Wa, Ki) or David -Red- (Wa, Ki) or David, the Psalmist (CW) or David,
the Shepherd (CW) or David, God’s King (PoC) or King David (P)
• Death & Hades (Wa) or Death (RJ)
• Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the Sorcerer (Ap) or Elymas the Sorcerer (Di, EC)
• Esau (Pa) or Esau, the Hunter (F, P)
• Esther (B, Or, P) or Esther, the Courageous (PoC)
• Ezekiel (Pr, Pi, FF2) or Ezekiel, the Vindicated (PoC)
• Foretelling Angel (Pa) or The Foretelling Angel (RJ)
• Frog Demons (Or, Wa, P) or The Frog Demons (RJ)
• Guiding Angel (E) or The Guiding Angel (RJ)
• Isaiah (Pr, FF2) or Isaiah, Prince of Prophets (PoC)
• Jacob (D, FF) or Jacob (Israel) (CW)
• James (half-brother of Jesus (Ap) or James, Leader in Jerusalem (PC)
• James Son of Zebedee (Ap) or James, son of Zebedee (H) or James (I)
• Jeremiah (D, Pr, Pi, TP) or Jeremiah, Hope Bringer (PoC)
• Job’s Three Friends (Pi) or Bildad, the Shuhite (RJ)/Eliphaz, the Temanite
(RJ)/Zophar, the Naamathite (RJ)
• John (H, I, Pr, P) or John, the Apocalyptist (RJ) or John, the Revelator (RJ)
• Jonathan (Or, B) or Jonathan, Son of Shimei (FM)
• Joseph (Pa, FF2, CW) or Joseph, the Dreamer (PoC)
• Joshua (P-Settlers, P-District) or Joshua, Son of Nun (CW)
• King Abijah (Ki) or King Abijam (RA3)
• Lying Spirit (F) or The Lying Spirit (FM)
• Manasseh (Pr) or King Manasseh (Di)
• Mary (B, D, Or, P) or The Woman with Child (RJ)
• Matthew (Di) or Matthew (Levi) (Ap)
• Mentor (F) or The Ephesian Mentor (PC)
• Michael (Wa, Ki, AW, P-2017) or Michael, the Archangel (RJ)
• Mighty Warrior (A, C, Or, P) or The Mighty Warrior (FM)
• Morg (AW) or Morgan (AW)
• Moses (G, Pr, Wa, CW, LR) or Moses, Friend of God (PoC)
• Naaman’s Servant Girl (FM) or Servant Girl (E)
• Noah’s Sons (Pa) or Shem (CW)/Ham (CW)/Japheth (CW)
• Othniel (Or, A) or Othniel, Son of Kenaz (FM)
• Pharaoh (A, D, H, Or) or The Hard-Hearted Pharaoh (CW)
• Reassuring Angel (Ap) or Reassuring Angels (EC)
• Roman Jailer (Ap) or The Roman Jailer (EC)
• Samson (J, Or, P) or Samson, the Nazirite (CW)
• Saul (Ap) or Paul (Ap, P)
• Uriah (A, Or) or Uriah the Hittite (RA2)
• Whore of Babylon (Or) or Babylon the Great (Wa) or The Harlot (RJ)
• Woman of Thebez (Wo) or The Woman of Thebez (RA2)
• Zechariah (Pr, Pi, RA) or Zechariah, the Renewer (PoC)

Offline Watchman

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I'm assuming this isn't a comprehensive list because I'm seeing unique characters that are not listed, such. as Abaddon, Jezebel, etc.?
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline RedemptionAggie

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That's a list of characters with different names. The same name is the same name, and has it's own bullet in the deck building rules.

Quote from: REG>Deck Building Rules
•Cards with special abilities that have the same name and same card art are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters and Lost Souls) with special abilities that have the same name and same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters) with special abilities that are listed as duplicate cards and have the same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.

Offline Watchman

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That's a list of characters with different names. The same name is the same name, and has it's own bullet in the deck building rules.

Quote from: REG>Deck Building Rules
•Cards with special abilities that have the same name and same card art are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters and Lost Souls) with special abilities that have the same name and same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters) with special abilities that are listed as duplicate cards and have the same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.

So how is Aaron and Aaron, God's Mediator different than Abaddon and Abaddon, the Destroyer when it comes to being listed as a character with a different name?  And which specific bulletpoint would Abaddon fall under?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2019, 09:44:15 PM by Watchman »
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline RedemptionAggie

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That's a list of characters with different names. The same name is the same name, and has it's own bullet in the deck building rules.

Quote from: REG>Deck Building Rules
•Cards with special abilities that have the same name and same card art are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters and Lost Souls) with special abilities that have the same name and same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters) with special abilities that are listed as duplicate cards and have the same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.

So how is Aaron and Aaron, God's Mediator different than Abaddon and Abaddon, the Destroyer when it comes to being listed as a character with a different name?  And which specific bulletpoint would Abaddon fall under?

Abaddon has only been printed as Abaddon the Destroyer. Abaddon should be covered under the 2nd bullet.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2019, 09:56:11 PM by RedemptionAggie »

Offline Watchman

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That's a list of characters with different names. The same name is the same name, and has it's own bullet in the deck building rules.

Quote from: REG>Deck Building Rules
•Cards with special abilities that have the same name and same card art are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters and Lost Souls) with special abilities that have the same name and same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.
•Cards (except generic characters) with special abilities that are listed as duplicate cards and have the same card icon are limited to a maximum of 1 each per 50 cards in a deck.

So how is Aaron and Aaron, God's Mediator different than Abaddon and Abaddon, the Destroyer when it comes to being listed as a character with a different name?  And which specific bulletpoint would Abaddon fall under?

Abaddon has only been printed as Abaddon the Destroyer. Abaddon should be covered under the 2nd bullet.

Yeah sorry about that.  I thought the UL version was just Abaddon.  Thanks!
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!


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