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Joab is an optional trigger ability so he can't dc a WC EC if he is removed by a special ability?
What about if the battle is mutual destruction, is he gone before "after the battle" trigger goes off?
Also does Habakkuk says "after this battle" does that function differently than "after battle"?
Battle ResolutionAs is described in Battle Resolution in the rulebook, there are four outcomes to a battle:● Evil Character wins● Hero wins● Mutual destruction● StalemateHowever, beyond the outcome of the battle you must also determine the outcomes of thebattle challenge or rescue attempt. Here is the order to follow:1. Determine the outcome of the battle (Evil Character wins, Heroes wins, mutualdestruction, or stalemate).2. Determine success or failure of the rescue attempt or battle challenge. If the battlewas a battle challenge, then success or failure of a battle challenge has only onecondition, the battle outcome in step 1. If Hero wins and has (or has gained) access toa Lost Soul, it’s a successful rescue. If Hero loses battle or loses access to opponent’sLost Souls, then the rescue fails.3. Resolve end-of-battle special ability based on the conditions established in Steps 1and 2. All unaffected cards are treated under normal gameplay rules (such as discard,return to territory, Land of Redemption, etc).
All unaffected cards are treated under normal gameplay rules (such as discard,return to territory, Land of Redemption, etc).
Quote from: Step 3All unaffected cards are treated under normal gameplay rules (such as discard,return to territory, Land of Redemption, etc).Step 3 is where characters are discarded/return to territory, enhancements are discarded and the LS is handed over (or something like Raider's Camp is triggered).
I read in a recent thread with the same question about Joab and Two Witnesses, and the answer I received was that regardless of what happens to them (defeated or not), so long as his ability wasn't negated, then he could DC a WC character or all ECs that blocked. The difference between them and Silly Women is that SW has to be in play in order for it to capture itself to your opponent's LoB. This whole "after battle" ability really needs a final determination as to how exactly it works its own clarification in the REG as these questions keep coming up on the forum about this ability.