Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
Character ongoing special abilities last until the end of the Phase. Ram's Horn would resolve during Battle Resolution, which is still part of the Battle Phase, so I think Jaddua still protects from it.
Which, if I read it right, also stops the site discard, yes?
No, you would still discard a site. It is not a cost-benefit (which would read "discard this card to discard a site"). Both things happen, it is just that Ram's Horn is protected.
There is almost zero reason why Ram's Horn should not be a cost benefit ability. Its not really a big deal because its not like Jaddua will get much initiative but it just gets old after while. Jaddua's ability also makes me lol a bit why not just say "...protect neutral cards from evil cards". Yeah that is more powerful but actually (very) necessary in hindsight. The obvious question is this: In a game where we do not have paid playtesters. Why do we not ban cards or make more errata's? I mean, if Jordan, Tim, Gabe...etc could play test for a living I doubt we would have so many funky wordings or broken cards. There is literally not enough incentive for play testers to really put in the time they need to make card ever card balanced cards. I don't really have an issue with that its just why don't we try and compensate by making more erratas or banning cards...? I don't really want to argue about banning cards again so lets take that out and leave it at erratas and restrictions.Tim: Lets give the Tennessee national winning defense in type 1 four staple cards in the new set and watch it win nationals again. IDC if people play light D I beatz them anywii.Gabe: What is this "defense" you speak of? And can we make them draw?Jordan: "Yuh that would be really funny. I wud try to balance that out bro but I actually have a life and a Wife and h8te type 1 so hahahahaha.
I thought that cards couldn't be protected from themselves. In which case, isn't all this moot?
Redoubter indicated that that's only true for characters, which is a distinction I didn't know existed, but I trust that some people have heard things I haven't.
Default Conditions Protect abilities last until the end of the phase in which they are used. Protect abilities target cards in play. Characters cannot be protected from themselves.