Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
The REG says a character is a musician if they wrote a song. What does it mean to write a song? When the REG and the Elders use that phrase they mean that the individual created a song with intention for future use. Therefore spontaneous worship in the form of song does not constitute writing a song. Also speaking or writing words that are later turned into a song does not constitute writing a song....Isaiah 5 is the one place where a form of the verb sing shows up with regard to the characters in question but there is no conclusive evidence in that passage that the song was intended for future use.
And it has about as much chance of ever happening as I have of winning an event at Nationals.
How is that different than the song that Isaiah sang (and presumably wrote)?Song of Deborah is Judges 5, Song of Isaiah is Isaiah 5.
Not going to let this one die guys.
Quote from: Westy on July 19, 2014, 09:59:28 PM Not going to let this one die guys.