Author Topic: Interrupt the Battle  (Read 1413 times)

Offline Sean

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Interrupt the Battle
« on: August 27, 2020, 03:14:47 PM »
This is mostly a clarification question for interrupt the battle cards.  I'm not sure about what character abilities would be undone or not.  The example I have is block with Jehoram, the Abhorred and I use his ability to underdeck the only Lost Soul.  I have initiative so I play Retreat to bounce Jehoram.  Is the Lost Soul returned to LoB or would this be a successful block (assuming no add to battle cards or Harvest Time type stuff happens)?

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Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Interrupt the Battle
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2020, 03:30:58 PM »
Quote from: REG>Interrupt>Special Conditions
The phrase “interrupt the battle” includes interrupting the following abilities if they were activated on cards in the current battle:
1 all active abilities
2 abilities with effects that are defeating one of the characters you control in battle
3 abilities on the last card played in current battle if it was played by your opponent

Jehoram's underdeck does not fit 1 or 2. It does not fit 3 for your Retreat, so that would be a successful block. It would fit 3 if your opponent played an ITB/Bounce card (like Royal Parade), if Jehoram was still the last card you played in the current battle, which would probably result in a successful rescue.

Offline TheIrishman

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Re: Interrupt the Battle
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2020, 11:35:52 PM »
Quote from: REG>Interrupt>Special Conditions
The phrase “interrupt the battle” includes interrupting the following abilities if they were activated on cards in the current battle:
1 all active abilities
2 abilities with effects that are defeating one of the characters you control in battle
3 abilities on the last card played in current battle if it was played by your opponent

Jehoram's underdeck does not fit 1 or 2. It does not fit 3 for your Retreat, so that would be a successful block. It would fit 3 if your opponent played an ITB/Bounce card (like Royal Parade), if Jehoram was still the last card you played in the current battle, which would probably result in a successful rescue.

"interrupt" by default undoes and suspends active abilities and abilities completed in the same phase, so what is the logic behind ruling "interrupt the battle" differently than a regular "interrupt"?  I believe most (if not all) players when reading "interrupt the battle" for the first time would naturally think that it means "apply the 'interrupt' effect to the abilities on all cards in battle."  They would not assume that such an effect only interrupts abilities that meet at least one of the three criteria above nor would they feel the need to look in the REG for clarification because the wording of the effect seems to so strongly suggest only one way of interpretation.

Quote from: REG>Interrupt
● An interrupt effect temporarily undoes and suspends active or completed abilities, or completing effects of abilities, while activating other abilities or effects before the suspended abilities reactivate.
● Interrupting an ability does not undo the activation of that ability or its effects, or the targeting of the effects of that ability. It only undoes effects of the ability that occurred in the current phase, and pauses any checking of conditions for the ability. Interrupted abilities are pending reactivation.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Interrupt the Battle
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2020, 01:10:45 AM »
Quote from: REG>Interrupt>Special Conditions
The phrase “interrupt the battle” includes interrupting the following abilities if they were activated on cards in the current battle:
1 all active abilities
2 abilities with effects that are defeating one of the characters you control in battle
3 abilities on the last card played in current battle if it was played by your opponent

Jehoram's underdeck does not fit 1 or 2. It does not fit 3 for your Retreat, so that would be a successful block. It would fit 3 if your opponent played an ITB/Bounce card (like Royal Parade), if Jehoram was still the last card you played in the current battle, which would probably result in a successful rescue.

"interrupt" by default undoes and suspends active abilities and abilities completed in the same phase, so what is the logic behind ruling "interrupt the battle" differently than a regular "interrupt"?  I believe most (if not all) players when reading "interrupt the battle" for the first time would naturally think that it means "apply the 'interrupt' effect to the abilities on all cards in battle."  They would not assume that such an effect only interrupts abilities that meet at least one of the three criteria above nor would they feel the need to look in the REG for clarification because the wording of the effect seems to so strongly suggest only one way of interpretation.

Quote from: REG>Interrupt
● An interrupt effect temporarily undoes and suspends active or completed abilities, or completing effects of abilities, while activating other abilities or effects before the suspended abilities reactivate.
● Interrupting an ability does not undo the activation of that ability or its effects, or the targeting of the effects of that ability. It only undoes effects of the ability that occurred in the current phase, and pauses any checking of conditions for the ability. Interrupted abilities are pending reactivation.

Ruling simplicity, most likely. Like avoiding questions like "what happens if my ITB card interrupts the card I used to search for that ITB card?". And to not have to undo everything that happened late in a back and forth battle.

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: Interrupt the Battle
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2020, 05:29:46 AM »
"interrupt" by default undoes and suspends active abilities and abilities completed in the same phase, so what is the logic behind ruling "interrupt the battle" differently than a regular "interrupt"?  I believe most (if not all) players when reading "interrupt the battle" for the first time would naturally think that it means "apply the 'interrupt' effect to the abilities on all cards in battle."  They would not assume that such an effect only interrupts abilities that meet at least one of the three criteria above nor would they feel the need to look in the REG for clarification because the wording of the effect seems to so strongly suggest only one way of interpretation.

I am not one of those players who the first thing I would think of is to look it up, because it could mean all sorts of things. And to be fair, I don't really care for Interrupt the Battle as an ability in the game and wouldn't mind seeing it phased out (although I do like that there is a general "Interrupt abilities causing my character's removal" so it does serve a purpose). But I think the main reason that it doesn't interrupt everything in battle is because its way more complicated to do that (also way more powerful) to interrupt all abilities in battle, and while the current definition isn't necessarily the most intuitive (I have to remind people what it interrupts somewhat frequently during games) it does more or less work, it doesn't go back too far to make things too complicated and it does interrupt all active abilities in battle (Ongoing ones, although I admit, that is my least favorite part of the ability as it really makes protection easy to get around, and causes some annoying interactions with Archer abilities) and once you learn what it does, it's fairly straight forward.
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