New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
You cannot inturupt any non ongoing abilities used by yourself
If you play a card that discards or removes your own characters from battle (e.g., Death of Unrighteous or Deceit of Sapphira), you do not have initiative since you are causing your own discard or removal. Your opponent has initiative. You could only gain initiative if your opponent plays a card.
Interrupt the BattleInterrupt the battle interrupts the following:• Your opponent’s special abilities that are (1) causing you to be losing by removal (e.g., your opponent’s Net), or (2) causing a mutual destruction by mutual removal (e.g., your opponent’s King Zimri but not your own King Zimri).• The last enhancement played in battle, as long as it was played by an opponent (e.g., your opponent’s False Peace but not your own Reach of Desperation).• ALL ongoing special abilities (see Ongoing Abilities).