Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
...I dont know anyone who uses those cards currently anyway but I think it is way worse for the game to make Micah so OP (and inconsistent with his Special ability) and give Zimri and entire extra brigade of Options than to marginalize those few poorly worded limited edition cards...
Provided I have the time and I am allowed, I'd love to help make those changes happen.
I fail to see how an REG that doesn't get updated but once in a blue moon is "better all around." There have been significant things from months and months ago that are still not legally the way the game is played.
I never said what we have was bad...
If there's a silver lining, it's that we have great volunteers like Mike.
Their efforts were delayed by this little task called Thesaurus ex Preteritus.