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At no time may the cards in a player’s hand exceed 16. This rule takes precedence over any instruction on cards. If a card is played that instructs a player to draw cards or otherwise put cards in their hand, they must stop at 16 regardless of the number of cards to be drawn or returned; additional cards over 16 are protected from being put in their hand by any means.
HandA player’s hand is where a player holds all the cards that are not in their deck, Reserve,discard pile or banish pile but have not been played. Players put cards from their hand on thetable to play them. By the end of each of their Discard Phases, a player must reduce theirhand size to a maximum of 8 cards, unless modified by a Change Hand Size effect.At no time may the cards in a player’s hand exceed 16. This rule takes precedence over anyinstruction on cards. If a card is played that instructs a player to draw cards or otherwise putcards in their hand, they must stop at 16 regardless of the number of cards to be drawn orreturned; additional cards over 16 are protected from being put in their hand by any means.All abilities that target hand have an implied reveal effect, where if the holder of the targetedhand cannot complete an action required by another ability or game rule, they must revealthat hand. For example, if a card requires a player to underdeck two good cards from hand,they must reveal their hand if they can underdeck zero or only one. If they can underdeckboth and satisfy the requirement, there is no reveal.If an effect is resolving that causes a player to view another location, their hand is notviewable until that effect completes.