Author Topic: How Does This Play Out?  (Read 724 times)

Offline Arrthoa

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How Does This Play Out?
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:48:30 AM »
I make a RA with Mary the MoJ and Salome. Opponent blocks with Nebuchadnezzar. He plays Nebby's Pride through Neb's ability. I interrupt Pride with He is Risen to set Set Aside Nebby and 1 other EC and follow up with Grapes of Wrath to stop Pride.

Would his people still be set aside?


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Re: How Does This Play Out?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 11:55:35 AM »
You would not need to play Grapes (and couldn't, actually) because Pride cannot reactive after the interrupt since Nebby is no longer in battle. Pride would be discarded since there's no other crimson characters in battle (and thus not be a legal target for Grapes) and Mary/Salome would be winning by removal.


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