Author Topic: How do multiple interrelated negates resolve?  (Read 886 times)

Offline Reth

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How do multiple interrelated negates resolve?
« on: February 25, 2018, 02:53:58 PM »
Hi guys,

sorry, but I could not find the solution yet - neither in forum nor in REG.

I am just currently at a loss regarding this topic. In current situation an angel makes a RA and is blocked by Spirit of Temptation banding to Egyptian Magician bringing up Fiery darts from bottom of deck directly into battle.

Fiery darts: Discard a Hero.

Now War in Heaven is played on that angel.

War in Heaven: Negate and discard an opposing card in battle (excep a human).

Then Fourth Bowl of Wrath is played on blockers: Negate and discard a good Enhancement or Covenant.

Now Glad Tidings comes into the picture: Negate and discard the last evil Enhancement played in battle.

Afterwards War in Heaven is played on blockers.

Finally Walking on Water is played on that angel ending the cascade.

Walking on Water: Negate and discard the last evil Enhancement played in battle.

So at least the blocking War in Heaven is DC'ed by Walking on Water. But then? Which enhancements of this cascade stay in battle and which ones are DCed? This is needed to determine the numbers. Since several of them tell to DC the opposing one I am a little bit lost now.

Thanks for a short hint or explanation or link!


Offline Red Dragon Thorn

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Re: How do multiple interrelated negates resolve?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2018, 03:20:50 PM »
I believe that if I followed correctly the good enhancements will all be in battle, and all the evil enhancements will be discarded. Then you can determine initiative

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: How do multiple interrelated negates resolve?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2018, 03:46:43 PM »
I agree with RDT, if the scenario actually worked as presented.

Fourth Bowl causes a new instance of SI on Fiery Darts, so the negate needs to target Fiery Darts, not Fourth Bowl. Fourth Bowl is the last evil Enhancement played in battle, so Glad Tidings can't target Fiery Darts. Same issue with Walking on Water after War in Heaven.

Offline Reth

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Re: How do multiple interrelated negates resolve?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2018, 03:58:42 PM »
This is also what I initially was thinking - but:

What if the "War in Heaven" which has been played on blocker targets the initially played rescuing angel? Even though his SA is not negatable the discard part still would hold true!?

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: How do multiple interrelated negates resolve?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2018, 04:04:04 PM »
The angel can be negated, unless it's CBI/N. That would cause an instance of SI on the evil War in Heaven, so that part is legal. It still winds up the same way - all the good Enhancements in battle, all the evil Enhancements in discard.

Also, after each good negate, you need to determine initiative by the numbers, not just the last one. Based on the numbers of the ECs, it will usually go to them.


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