I was just wondering if gates of Jerusalem protected Herods as well, since most of them do have king of judah as part of their identifier in the reg.
Herod Agrippa II is the only Herod that would be protected by Gates of Jerusalem. The following ECs would be protected by Gates.
(Evil): Athaliah (Wo),
Herod Agrippa II (TP), King Abijah (Ki), King Ahaz (Ki), King Ahaz (TP), King Ahaziah (Ki), King Amon (Di), King Amon (Ki), King Jehoahaz (Judah) (Ki), King Jehoiakim (Ki), King Jehoiakin (Ki), King Jehoram (Ki), King Manasseh (Di), King Rehoboam (Di), King Rehoboam (Ki), King Zedekiah (Ki), Manasseh (Pr), Queen Maachah (Ki), and King Amaziah (RA2)