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I don't think it's permanent unless there's a play-as, because abilities last until the end of battle unless stated otherwise.
Hey,Currently the decrease is not permanent. Increase and Decrease Abilities is an entry in the REG that is undergoing a lot of changes for the new REG and the default for permanent-ness is one thing that is likely to change. So when the new REG drops this ruling may change.Tschow,Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly
I thought New REG was only supposed to be a re-clarification of rules, not a complete rewriting and changing of them.
Because of the exceptions there are actually more cards that don't follow the default than that do, so it only makes sense to reverse the default and make the exceptions the norm.
and the effect is a significant structural improvement.
In the case of Increase/Decrease there are actually very few cards that follow the "until end of turn" default and a lot of cards that are an exception to the default. Think of all of the set asides, healing cards, and poisons that increase or decrease a character; those are all exceptions to the default because they are all permanent changes that don't specify as much on the card.