Author Topic: Heal and Bernice  (Read 706 times)

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Heal and Bernice
« on: May 22, 2017, 10:41:39 PM »
In our causal Redemption get together we came up with a couple of ruling questions (one of which I found the answer to already, so I don't need to discuss it further), the other two are:
1) If a hero is in a mutual destruction by numbers situation at the end of battle, if the attacking player wants to heal the character will he be able to rescue the Lost Soul (I argued no, because healing returns to territory therefore preventing the hero from rescuing the Soul)
2) Bernice (from PC) has the ability:
"If blocking, take a male, human Evil Character to your territory and covert it to evil gold. It's owner may withdraw a Hero instead. May band to Herod Agrippa II"
So I attack my opponent who blocks with Bernice, and targets a third player's character, can that third player force my hero out to meet the instead requirement or does the ability mean that they have to withdraw a character they control?
If you are reading this signature, thank a physicist.

Offline Ironisaac

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Re: Heal and Bernice
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 10:54:19 PM »
In our causal Redemption get together we came up with a couple of ruling questions (one of which I found the answer to already, so I don't need to discuss it further), the other two are:
1) If a hero is in a mutual destruction by numbers situation at the end of battle, if the attacking player wants to heal the character will he be able to rescue the Lost Soul (I argued no, because healing returns to territory therefore preventing the hero from rescuing the Soul)

No, the heal returns it to territory. you were right here. 

2) Bernice (from PC) has the ability:
"If blocking, take a male, human Evil Character to your territory and covert it to evil gold. It's owner may withdraw a Hero instead. May band to Herod Agrippa II"
So I attack my opponent who blocks with Bernice, and targets a third player's character, can that third player force my hero out to meet the instead requirement or does the ability mean that they have to withdraw a character they control?

yup the third player chooses,  that's why she is so nasty in multi.
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