New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Ongoing AbilitiesOngoing abilities are abilities that have not yet completed. For example, banding is not an ongoing ability because it completes itself before initiative passes. Banding abilities are Instant Abilities. Gabriel is not an ongoing ability because it completes itself before initiative passes. The following are ongoing special abilities: Lasting Effects (last until end of battle unless specified otherwise)• Access to Sites• Copy Ability• First Strike• Greater Worth• Ignore or Repel• Immune• Increase or Decrease Ability• Increase or Decrease Hand Limit• Negate All• Prevent• Protect
No, the discard phase is the end of the turn. When it ends, the turn is over.
Let's back up a bit. I need the quote from the REG or rulebook about ongoing abilities lasting until the end of any Phase. The glossary only specifies Battle:....I realize that this is protection from a fortress, not from anything in battle, but my search for clarification turned up empty. Maybe someone who knows where it is can quote it for me.
Cards with ongoing abilities that are not negated continue until the end of the phase in which they are discarded or removed from battle (in the case of special abilities on characters and enhancements, unless specified otherwise), or discarded or removed from play (in the case of sites, artifacts, fortresses, lost souls, placed cards, etc…).