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Is the ability on Goliath's Spear sort of treated as an identifier? Like, in a FbtN battle, does Goliath's Spear lose the ability to be 8/10 or something?
Quote from: BubbleBoy on April 26, 2009, 08:34:01 AMIs the ability on Goliath's Spear sort of treated as an identifier? Like, in a FbtN battle, does Goliath's Spear lose the ability to be 8/10 or something?Yes, Goliath's Spear would lose the ability to be 8/10 in a FbtN battle, but the name-on-name bonus would still work. Also, I believe that Goliath would not be able to retain the spear in a FbtN battle, because that is part of the SA.