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♦Just to be a jerk (and in case of Coliseum Lions or something of the like), Jephthah throws down a Counsel of Abigail, redirecting Dream to my Prince of Tyrus.
If so, he would indeed be able to play the interrupt, allowing him to draw three cards and possibly draw something that could get rid of both of my heroes, making the battle a mutual destruction by special ability situation and thereby preventing the lost soul from being rescued.
→By the way, if he does have initiative, and thus is able to play Dream, what if he then uses Dream to play Coliseum Lions to discard Abishai (followed by Christian Martyr for Asahel)? When the next delayed effect resumed (the redirected Dream), after drawing my three cards, could I still play an enhancement?→If not, could my Prince of Tyrus play an enhancement instead? Hunger would be nice.
♦Wouldn't Abishai be able to re-band to Asahel when he entered the battle with Possessing Demon?
♦Also, I was told that even if a character is discarded after they play an enhancement, the enhancement still takes effect; regardless of whether Possessing Demon plays Deceit of Sapphira or not, that demon is getting discarded. At best, he can hope for mutual destruction by mutual removal de facto (Coliseum Lions), official (Deceit of Sapphira) or via dominant (Christian Martyr), assuming Abishai doesn't counter with Counsel of Abishai (which he might, although putting a lost soul in the opponent's land of bondage is tempting). Would this apply to this situation?
♦Also, although I believe you, I am curious as to why Dream cannot be interrupted. Is there some kind of dynamic text, or did the REG/Errata clarify/add something?
♦Also, although I understand that Dream can't be interrupted in this situation (it doesn't give me initiative), what about situations where Dream does give me initiative (mutual destruction/stalemate with them having played the last card: Dream). If I redirect it, what does "choosing a target" mean? Can I choose myself, draw three cards and play the next enhancement? Even more, can I choose another "target" (like an evil character or something)? What is the original target of Dream? The holder? Is that the target I am changing, then? I would think so, but I still need a little clarification on this...
♦Finally, can I play Counsel of Abigail to redirect Christian Suing Another? (Maybe make it so that another hero is battling my Jephthah instead, or else just prevent it entirely.) Does Christian Suing Another give me initiative? How does that work, exactly?
♦By the way, if multiple heroes are in battle, how does Christian Suing Another work?
Ok major headache and I'm on in the middle of the afternoon i don't see how you can perseve this at 2:00 in the morning.
So ...what if Dream's numbers give you initiative? Can you redirect/counter it then, or does its "holder may play the next enhancement" ability dominate?
And if, after drawing three cards, the opponent decides not to play an enhancement, and you just happen to have gained initiative from the numbers of dream, can you then interrupt and redirect Dream, drawing three cards for yourself, since Dream was the last enhancement played? And if so, does the opponent have to return their three cards to the deck (much like Servant Angel being forced to return the card to the top of the deck if the opponent meets him with King of Tyrus)?
As for Christian Suing Another, say you're in a mutual destruction/stalemate situation and your opponent plays Christian suing another. Can you play Counsel of Abishai (since you have initiative)? If so, again, how would that redirect work?
♦By the way, if Christian Suing Another does give you initiative, I want to know if, when using green brigade, I can play Sword of the Lord and have the baddie involved in another battle - one with King Rehoboam. If so, even if it's my opponent's Rehoboam, since I'm controlling him, can I choose the two heroes who fight each other? And if I do, can the heroes I chose be chosen by my opponent for Christian Suing Another? In other words, does the battle between those two heroes resolve before my opponent chooses the hero to fight me, or does it simply resolve before the hero my opponent chose fights me? And what order would these three side battles take place in? Would they be able to affect each other, or are characters in side battles considered to be out of play during other side battles (sort of like Ambush the City)?