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Has there been any errata given on this encounter? Glory of the Lord seemed like a great idea to protect artifacts, and then it seems Captured Ark can get through? Does anyone even play with "Glory of the Lord" now?It just seems to me, from a "spiritual" side of things, that the game play-testers would not want a Good Dominant to be over-turned by a Curse Anyone else feel that Captured Ark really took a lot of the appeal of Glory of the Lord away?
Glory of the LordType: Lamb • Brigade: None • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Place in territory. Holder's Solomon's Temple and the artifact in it cannot be discarded or negated by an opponent. Discard this card if Asherah Pole is in holder's Solomon's Temple. • Play As: Place in territory. Holder’s Solomon’s Temple and the artifact in it are protected from being discarded or negated by an opponent. Discard this card if Asherah Pole is in holder’s Solomon’s Temple. • Identifiers: None • Verse: II Chronicles 7:1 • Availability: Kings booster packs (Ultra Rare)
Captured ArkType: Curse • Brigade: Crimson • Ability: 1 / 5 • Class: None • Special Ability: Upon activation, each opponent must select one active Artifact in own territory and shuffle it back into their draw pile. Each shuffled Artifact is negated. May be used twice. • Identifiers: OT, Depicts an Idol • Verse: I Samuel 4:22 • Availability: Promotional cards (2006 Unspecified Event)
That's a good point about being sure to have another active artifact at the same time, in case of Captured Ark. And I did not know that about Priestly Crown and Blue Tassels either! Was the reasoning on that because they were not constantly inside the temple?
Also, even though the card accounts for it, you cannot put Asherah Pole in a temple.