Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
Character’s Role and GenderEach character has a role and most have a gender. Role and gender help identify the card’s advantage or disadvantage to special abilities on other cards. Determine the role and gender by looking at the card’s Scripture, card title or illustration. Character roles are a type of identifier. In Redemption®, most characters, including demons and beasts, have a gender. Most demons are considered male by default, but some demons may be identified as female, or in some cases are genderless. Some other characters are considered genderless as well, see Gender.Human CharactersIn Redemption®, most humans are either male or female. Usually the picture makes it obvious which a character is, but sometimes it is difficult to tell (sometimes there are a male and a female in the picture, and you don’t know to which the name refers). In this case, use the passage as the guide.Genderless CharactersThere are only a few Characters in the game that do not give clues as to gender, and are thus treated as genderless. They are:(Hero): Priests of Christ (P)(Evil): Angry Mob (Ap), Bear (DL), Bear (DU), Complainers (FF), Doubt (Pi), Frog Demons (L), Frog Demons (UL), Frog Demons (P), Frog Demons (Wa), Gibeonite Delegates (RA2), Idolaters (H), Madness (Pi), The Bear (RA), and The Jeering Youths (RA)