Play as Special abilities for the following cards:
30 pieces of silver:
Regardless of battle outcome, discard one Hero in play at the end of battle that you blocked. Negate David's Harp. May be used once per battle and twice per game.
Ark of the Covenant:
After your rescue attempt or battle challenge, discard an Evil Character that was used to block. Limit two such discards per game.
Assyria's Tribute:
While you are blocking with an Assyrian, negate all special abilities on Enhancements and Heroes. Cannot be negated during the battle phase. May be used twice per game.
1. Example: A player has Ark of the Covenant in their artifact pile and then flips it up on the beginning of their turn.
Would the ability count as being used once if it is flipped up , even if that player does not go for any battle or did go for a battle but was unblocked that turn?
2. Same question as 1 , but player has 30 pieces or Assyria's tribute , but did not block with an EC , does it still count as being used once?
3. If any of these count as being used once , once being flipped up why would that be?