New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Some character cards have different card titles, but are the same unique character. A player may have only one of these in your territory, in battle, in a side battle, face down, or set-aside at a time. When a card or special ability references a character by name, it can be applied to any version of the named character.These are unique characters with different card titles:Abram/Abraham (Pa) or Abraham (CoW) Ahab (B) or Ahab (C) or Ahab (L) or Ahab (UL) or King Ahab (RA2) Ahaziah (Pr) or King Ahaziah (PC) Amram & Jochebed or Jochebed (Wo) or Moses’ Parents (CoW) Angel at the Tomb (Wa) or Angel at Tomb (Pi) Antonius Felix (EC) or Governor Felix (Ap) Bartholomew (Di) or Bartholomew (Nathaniel) (Ap) Bear (D) or The Bear (RA) Belshazzar (Pr) or King Belshazzar (FF2) Chief Captain Lysias (Ap) or Claudius Lysias (PC) David (Green) (Ki) or David (Green) (Wa) or David (Red) (Ki) or David (Red) (Wa) or David, the Psalmist (CoW) or David, the Shepherd (CoW) or King David (P) Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the Sorcerer (Ap) or Elymas the Sorcerer (Di) or Elymas the Sorcerer (EC) Esau (Pa) or Esau the Hunter (F) or Esau, the Hunter (P) Jacob (D) or Jacob (FF) or Jacob (Israel) (CoW) James (half-brother of Jesus (Ap) or James, Leader in Jerusalem (PC) James Son of Zebedee (Ap) or James Son of Zebedee (H) or James (I) Joshua 1 (P) or Joshua 2 (P) or Joshua, son of Nun (CoW) King Abijah (Ki) or King Abijam (RA2) Manasseh (Pr) or King Manasseh (Di) Matthew (Di) or Matthew (Levi) (Ap) Medium in Endor (CoW) or Witch of Endor (Pr) or Witch of Endor (Wa) Morg (AW) or Morgan (AW) Noah’s Sons (Pa) or Shem (CoW)/Ham (Cow)/Japheth (Cow) Pharaoh (H) or Pharaoh (L) or Pharaoh (UL) or The Hard-Hearted Pharaoh (CoW) Roman Jailer (Ap) or The Roman Jailer (EC) Samson (L) or Samson (J) or Samson (P) or Samson (UL) or Samson, the Nazarite (CoW) Saul (Ap) or Paul (Ap) Uriah (A) or Uriah (L) or Uriah (UL) or Uriah the Hittie (Ra2) Whore of Babylon (L) or Whore of Babylon (UL) or Babylon the Great (Wa) Woman of Thebez (Wo) or The Woman of Thebez (Ra2)
How would this new rule work with Saul/Paul lol? The identifiers states when Saul repents he becomes Paul, but if Saul=Paul then wouldn't his identifier work in the reverse direction and/or basically make Saul or Paul nonconvertible if you so choose?
I was confused because the identifier says when Saul is converted he becomes Paul, but if Saul and Paul are interchangeable, it follows that if you convert Saul, Saul could become Saul again. I guess I'm not sure why its different than promised land referring to any copy of David when it says "King David" as proposed.
Was this decided on or still tbd?