Author Topic: Fall of Man Questions  (Read 1352 times)

Offline Bobbert

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Fall of Man Questions
« on: May 09, 2018, 07:34:12 PM »
Got a whole bucketload today  ;) Relevant rules/abilities below the questions

1. ANB vs. "harmed"/'targeted"
Say I have Cain and the Acts 16:32 Lost Soul (Don't know the nickname; Early Church, opponent has to discard if they target your hand) in territory and my opponent plays the new ANB, what happens? ANB both harms Cain and targets my hand; do the discards happen before ANB's effect? After? Do they not happen at all because they're shuffled before they can activate?

Spoiler: Cain (hover to show)
Spoiler: Lost Soul (hover to show)
Spoiler: ANB (hover to show)

2. Unity vs. take
Raamses has Unity: Evil Humans (Egyptian), and allows me to place and hold an EE from reserve at the end of my turn. Say I meet the unity and place a card there. Later in the round, I am attacked, and successfully block from hand with a non-Egyptian EC, breaking the Unity. At the start of my next turn, can I take an enhancement from Raamses, despite not meeting Unity?

REG entry for Hold:
If a Fortress with a hold effect does not describe how cards are both added and removed, then you may add or remove cards during your Preparation Phase.
Spoiler: Raamses (hover to show)

3. "Put in play"
The REG entry for Play is in regards to enhancements; what exactly counts as "playing" a character (especially in regards to Moab)? If I block with a Moabite from hand, does he activate? What if I block from territory and band to a Moabite from hand?

Spoiler: Moab (hover to show)

4. Versions of Characters
There are a lot of demons that are or might be representative of Satan. To name just a few: King of Tyrus, The Thief, Red Dragon, The god of this World, and Prince of the Air. Are these considered "versions" of the same character for the purposes of Lost Anointing? If so, can we get a complete list?

Spoiler: Lost Anointing (hover to show)

5. Hunter
Am I understanding correctly that this allows me to take on OT soul from an opponent's deck, put it in my territory, and shuffle Hunter back into my deck? Does this mean that I could, in theory, make it impossible for me to win by taking three souls in T1 (leaving my opponent with only four for me to rescue)? Or is it just meant to be used as an OT Escape?

Spoiler: Hunter Lost Soul (hover to show)

6. Ability vs. Play-As
Overtaken targets cards with "negated" in the SA. However, some old cards, such as Kings The Strong Angel, have "negated" printed on the card, but the word is not included in the play-as. How does this interaction work?
Spoiler: Overtaken (hover to show)
Spoiler: Kings TSA (ORCHID screenshot) (hover to show)

ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline Xonathan

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Re: Fall of Man Questions
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2018, 07:45:27 PM »
1. I believe those cards don’t activate because they are gone before they can

2. Based on a previous ruling there are two checks for unity. When the unity card is played and when it can trigger so no.

4. I would say no because they are treated as different characters i.e. I can have both KoT and the Thief in territory.

5. It’s OT escape that is also lost soul gen if used on your opponent.

6. Based of what we do with coliseum, as in we don’t toss Aocp and Haman plot, we go off what the card says so Strong would trigger overtaken.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 07:48:34 PM by Xonathan »
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Fall of Man Questions
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2018, 07:49:39 PM »
1. Cain and the LS trigger, but the phase ends before they can activate so they fizzle. Something like Rain Becomes Dust that insteads the draw activates before the phase ends.

2. I think Unity only applies to abilities, not identifiers, so you could take (or put down) Enhancements. You just can't get cards from Reserve with it.

3. A character is "put in play" when it enters play from a location that is not in play. A character is "played" when it enters battle from territory (as well as when it is put in play, or enters territory from battle), which is why that is not Moab's trigger. So both of those would trigger Moab.

4. See Duplicate cards in the REG. Or anything with the same name.

5. It's not Soul gen if used on the opponent, since the LS winds up in your territory. I view it as the O.T. "Escape" - I don't exactly know why it takes from "a deck". If you make it impossible for you to win the game by Hunting so many of your opponent's LS, that's on you.

6. If it's looking at wording on the card, it looks at what is actually printed on the card, or an errata, never Play As.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 07:53:08 PM by RedemptionAggie »


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