Author Topic: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.  (Read 2104 times)

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Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« on: June 08, 2014, 11:25:51 PM »
Evil dominant card Doubt SA: Place in any territory. When played, this card becomes an orange brigade 0/12 Evil Character until end of turn.           

Just wondering if anyone has found any use for the Evil dominant card Doubt.

Only one I have read on the forums is using it with Nathan and shuffle it back into your deck otherwise...

any thoughts on this?

Question: Since it is a dominant card is the Special ability CBN?

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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 11:43:22 PM »
Dominants are always CBN, so yes.  There are some uses, but it is very limited, and you can pretty much always get the same effect with better results from another card.  It is unfortunate (I like the basic idea behind it), but this is a dominant you won't see used at all, really.

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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 11:55:39 PM »
It was useful when it first came out.  They had just made the new orange brigade which was all demons but that was incredibly risky to play because Three Nails was so prevalent.  So they included a couple cards like Doubt that would give you a chance to still block with an orange defense.  I know at the time, I would not have built an orange defense without Doubt in the deck.

However things have changed since then and for multiple reasons he is right that other cards are generally a better choice. 


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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2014, 12:28:18 AM »
My favorite Redemption battle of all time involved Doubt. It was during Nats in MN in 2011 during Teams. My teammate blocked Mark Underwood's TSA with Doubt, and they proceeded to play something like 3-4 enhancements each (all negated) before Doubt finally triumphed. Very fun game.

They should reprint Doubt and make it usable again. It's such a nifty idea.

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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2014, 08:37:24 AM »
The main problem is the dominant cap. There just isn't any space in smaller decks.
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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 08:56:56 AM »
The main problem is the dominant cap. There just isn't any space in smaller decks.

Doubt wasn't used before the dominant cap.  Card slots are extremely important, and Doubt is just not good enough to claim one regardless of the Dom Cap
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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2014, 03:39:42 PM »
Doubt was briefly very popular.

It was back when I came up with the current format of TEAMS, and was running it at Columbus Nats as a fun side event.  Back then we had a few differences between TEAMS and the rules for the other events.  The main differences were the definitions of "your/s" and "opponent/s/'s" and the errata on "Doubt".  We allowed it to be played straight into battle instead of into territory.  This made it an amazing back-up block, and many people put it in their decks.

Where things got out of hand was that one TEAM tried to turn it into a "Choose the Blocker" card by attacking with a hero, and then playing Doubt to put an evil character in battle FOR their opponent.  They made a case that their opponent was then unable to block and had to use Doubt instead.  We of course ruled that to be illegal, but it was one of the funny things from that tournament.

Of course when TEAMS became an official category, we had to streamline the rules to match with all the other categories, and unfortunately that meant that Doubt returned to its useless category, and hasn't really seen much light of day since :)

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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2014, 08:19:31 AM »
The main problem is the dominant cap. There just isn't any space in smaller decks.

You need to get better at building effective bigger decks.  The smallest deck that I've ever played with, with success has always been 70 or 77 cards.  Dominant cap today still wouldn't be as much an issue for me.  That being said I'm now mostly a T2 player, and in that case Dominant cap doesn't apply as much due to the size of T2 decks. 

PS,  I still play T1, just not as much as I used to, but in T1, I move back and forth between 70 and 77 card decks, and 105 to 112 card decks.

I will be playing T1 multiplayer on Saturday at Nats this year, I don't anticipate winning, but you never know I may surprise myself (I fully intend to learn new strategies to employ next season)

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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2014, 11:14:32 AM »
The main problem is the dominant cap. There just isn't any space in smaller decks.

You need to get better at building effective bigger decks.  The smallest deck that I've ever played with, with success has always been 70 or 77 cards.  Dominant cap today still wouldn't be as much an issue for me.  That being said I'm now mostly a T2 player, and in that case Dominant cap doesn't apply as much due to the size of T2 decks. 

PS,  I still play T1, just not as much as I used to, but in T1, I move back and forth between 70 and 77 card decks, and 105 to 112 card decks.

I will be playing T1 multiplayer on Saturday at Nats this year, I don't anticipate winning, but you never know I may surprise myself (I fully intend to learn new strategies to employ next season)

I love big decks. I've never tried T2, but I DO have decks that are upwards of 70 cards. And I love them. I was speaking in general. That, and I have many dominants that are better.
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Re: Evil Dominant card Doubt and question.
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2014, 01:26:31 PM »
Doubt does put up your defense 12 which is a potential stalemate.


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