Author Topic: Eternal Inheritance questions  (Read 1153 times)

Offline Josh

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Eternal Inheritance questions
« on: June 14, 2016, 12:26:09 PM »
First question is inspired by today's LoR article.  Does Eternal Inheritance work during a battle challenge? 

Second question.  If you play a covenant as an enhancement, and then play Eternal Inheritance, does that meet the "If... a Covenant is active" prerequisite for Eternal Inheritance? 

Eternal Inheritance - "If rescuing, a Covenant is active and your Hero is opposed, remove this from the game to rescue a Lost Soul. Battle continues as a battle challenge. Opponent may play an Enhancement."
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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 12:51:22 PM »
First question is inspired by today's LoR article.  Does Eternal Inheritance work during a battle challenge?

No. The opening of the SA "If rescuing..." means that the battle must be a rescue attempt at the time EI is played.

Second question.  If you play a covenant as an enhancement, and then play Eternal Inheritance, does that meet the "If... a Covenant is active" prerequisite for Eternal Inheritance?

I could see this being ruled either way. My assumption is that a Covenant can be active anywhere on the table. It just wouldn't work if it was being held in Storehouse or Musician's Chambers.
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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 12:56:36 PM »
1. No because you aren't "rescuing" in a battle challenge. The battle must be a rescue attempt for the "if rescuing" clause to be met.

2. I don't see why not. Covenants/Curses retain their covenant/curse type whether played as artifacts or enhancements.


Offline Josh

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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2016, 01:08:48 PM »
My assumption is that a Covenant can be active anywhere on the table. It just wouldn't work if it was being held in Storehouse or Musician's Chambers.

2. I don't see why not. Covenants/Curses retain their covenant/curse type whether played as artifacts or enhancements.

The reason I ask is because "active" is a term unique to Artifacts, referring to an Artifact that has been "activated".  If I play a Covenant in battle, or if I have one in Storehouse, I never "activated" that Covenant, so is it "active"?
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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2016, 01:14:07 PM »
Maybe this is not spelled out in the REG clearly (I haven't looked), but I'm fairly certain playing a Covenant (or Curse) in battle as an enhancements counts as activating it. For example if you used Broken Covenant as an enhancement in battle, you would be able to trigger it's ability to draw or discard something. ("On activation...")
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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2016, 01:26:30 PM »
Maybe this is not spelled out in the REG clearly (I haven't looked), but I'm fairly certain playing a Covenant (or Curse) in battle as an enhancements counts as activating it. For example if you used Broken Covenant as an enhancement in battle, you would be able to trigger it's ability to draw or discard something. ("On activation...")

A lot of cards that are covenants/curses state "On activation," if they didn't activate when played as an enhancement wouldn't that be a numbers only card then (in the sense that they would have no SA occurring)?
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Offline Josh

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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2016, 02:17:33 PM »
Maybe this is not spelled out in the REG clearly (I haven't looked), but I'm fairly certain playing a Covenant (or Curse) in battle as an enhancements counts as activating it. For example if you used Broken Covenant as an enhancement in battle, you would be able to trigger it's ability to draw or discard something. ("On activation...")

I agree with this and think it makes sense.  This also explains Gabe's note about Storehouse and Musicians' Chambers, since a Covenant they hold would not be "active" by this definition.


As an aside, I'd like to see "On activation..." language go away from artifacts/covenants/curses that have an instant ability with no ongoing ability of any sort.  We already have "At any time...", "Once per round...", "Once per turn...", etc. to describe various abilities that are either ongoing abilities, or instant abilities with ongoing triggers.  For artifacts/covenants/curses that work only when activated or played, I think "On activation" is just redundant wording.  Artifacts/covenants/curses should be assumed to work instantly (and only) at the point of activation, unless they have language indicating some type of ongoing ability.

This would also make the abilities clearer/easier to understand when playing covenants/curses in battle.  Just something to consider for future cards maybe   :D
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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2016, 02:23:06 PM »
I believe the reasoning with that is we don't want to force people to trigger their card if they don't want to, but we also want to give them the option to keep it active for other reasons. However, if we don't say "On activation" then a "may" artifact can be triggered at any time (Darius Decree).

Essentially, "On activation, you may..." means "You can choose to do this right now if you want, though you don't have to. If you don't, you won't have another chance to do it until your next turn."  :)
Fortress Alstad
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Offline Josh

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Re: Eternal Inheritance questions
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2016, 03:29:58 PM »
I believe the reasoning with that is we don't want to force people to trigger their card if they don't want to, but we also want to give them the option to keep it active for other reasons. However, if we don't say "On activation" then a "may" artifact can be triggered at any time (Darius Decree).

Well, Darius' Decree is outside the subset of artifacts I am looking at, since it has an ongoing ability. 

Here are a few other arts/covs/curses that I think could lose any "On activation" language they have, since they have no "ongoing" ability of any sort.  There aren't many, since most have ongoing abilities.

I Am Grace
Gibeonite Curse (this one actually doesn't have "Upon activation" language)
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