Thank you!
I still suggest that the REG 'over-explain' the rule just like you did when you extended the explanation. This is more geared towards newer players.
Not sure how to word the 'over-explanation', but but I'd go with one similar to:
"... Therefore, if a player tries to use an opponent's character to band to his, but already has in play his own exact copy of that character, he may not band to the opponent's character anymore. An attempt to band (thus control) a duplicate character from the opponent, thus, violates the REG."
Just my two cents on the matter.
And so, does this mean that, if an enh causes all of your opponent's heroes to be banded to yours, can only happen if you already do not control any one of them yet? And in a multi-player setting, you cannot band into battle more than one unique character even if ALL of them come from your opponents?
Thanks again, and peace.