Author Topic: Desecrate the Temple...  (Read 14770 times)

The Schaef

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2009, 08:01:01 PM »
By all rights is should be able to discard Herod's Temple without question, it was a temple unto Yahweh,where sacrifices and worship took place.

Yes, but there's a reason why it's not treated the same as the other temples, historically and biblically.  Do you know why?

Temple of Nisroch wouldn't be in play *in your opponent's territory* while you're blocking.

It would be if there was a card that placed-and-activated like many Priests cards did.  Again, why are we arguing about mechanical technicalities and not the logic about "anything that says Temple"?

Speaking of Z.Temple, though... Following the special ability on Z Temple, did that temple even "Keep the Ark" as you put it, Schaef?

The Ark was an example; the Temples hold a certain class of Artifacts which Temple of Dagon et al cannot hold.  What I am trying to tell you is that "Temple" has a specific meaning in Redemption

This is not a matter of the word "Temple" being in the card title. It is a matter of the card says "Discard a Temple" and Temple of Dagon is just that, a TEMPLE. The card does not say "A good temple" or "A holy temple" or anything. Simply "a temple."

In other words, if it has Temple in the title.  I even gave an additional allowance to leave non-building "temple" titles out of the argument and still presented a question about where this logic is coming from, and we're still going in circles about the same things from ten posts ago.

I see this as an identifier like any other. If a card is a "temple" then it meets the requiremnt, and can thus be discarded.

And what precedent do we have to determine what falls under the identifier "Temple"?  Well, we have something called "Temple Artifacts", and those cannot go into just any old card that says "Temple", there are specific cards to which this exclusively applies.  When you say "if a card is a temple" you are just reverting to the "temple in the title" argument.  There is only one thing that distinguishes the two, and it is the exact thing that I mentioned.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2009, 08:07:04 PM »
So says Schaef, Captain of the "Temple" Guard.  ;D
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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2009, 02:03:29 AM »
So says Schaef, Captain of the "Temple" Guard.  ;D
oh that was bad.

Temple of A could be in someones STOREHOUSE, ok there ahem.

I would say Temple of Dagon is a Temple, it may be a false god, but its a REAL temple.
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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2009, 12:57:09 PM »
The Ark was an example; the Temples hold a certain class of Artifacts which Temple of Dagon et al cannot hold.  What I am trying to tell you is that "Temple" has a specific meaning in Redemption

Dagon's Temple did hold the Ark for a time, I believe. I agree that Temple has a specific meaning in redemption, I just think that it's a place of worship. There are "Temples" to Dagon, Ashtaroth, and Baal, as well as Yahweh.

"Artifact" is also capitalized in the SA. Should I take that to have a special meaning as well? Can I only discard Ark of the Covenant, since that's where God dwelled?

I think TKPRR nailed it. False god, bad stuff, real temple.

P.S. That was a good one, YMT.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2009, 01:16:29 PM »
I think that is the first time anyone typed out my full initials...
Not quite a ghost...but not quite not.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2009, 01:39:43 PM »
I think that is the first time anyone typed out my full initials...

Has anyone ever bothered with the whole name? Maybe in my next post I can just copy and paste in somewhere.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2009, 01:44:17 PM »
I'll have to agree with the masses on this one, Temple of Dagon is a temple.

FWIW, I'll side with Stephen on this one. Rob specifically ruled earlier that a "Temple Artifact" must be something devoted to the True God*. Given that precedent, I'm not sure why it is much of a stretch to conclude that a Temple, for game play purposes, must be devoted to the True God*.

*True God is my phrase, not Rob's. I don't recall Rob's precise wording, but the idea is the same.

To answer RBW... Yes, at least one person has. I know I have used TheKarazyvicePresidentRR as a form of address on the boards.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2009, 01:57:20 PM »
'temple' means any and all temples at this point, period. we cannot draw a connection between 'temple' and 'temple artifact' just because 'temple artifact' has been defined before in redemption; 'temple' has NOT yet been defined for redemption purposes. therefore, at this point in time unless ruled or defined otherwise, as long as anyone can prove a card as being a 'temple' of some sort, then desecrate the temple can discard it.
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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2009, 02:08:35 PM »
Agreed. Temple means Temple at this point, until further defined and confirmed. Like I said before, I have no problem with evil cards targeting other evil cards. It's evil. That's just how it rolls. The Chaldeans wouldn't have had any problem desecrating an Assyrian Temple when they were at war.

The Schaef

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2009, 10:25:59 PM »
'temple' means any and all temples at this point, period.

For what reason?

we cannot draw a connection between 'temple' and 'temple artifact' just because 'temple artifact' has been defined before in redemption;

That is EXACTLY why we can draw a connection between them.

therefore, at this point in time unless ruled or defined otherwise, as long as anyone can prove a card as being a 'temple' of some sort, then desecrate the temple can discard it.

How exactly do you prove that it is "a temple of some sort"?   What are your criteria for something being proven "a temple"?

Or better yet, let's just skip the rabbit trail and cut straight to the chase: why are your arbitrary standards perfectly fine but my arbitrary standards are too ridiculous for consideration?

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2009, 10:32:21 PM »
Basically, someone that is reading the card (including tournament hosts) are going to see the word "Temple" immediatley after the word "Artifact." Since "artifact" is completely unaligned, you can discard any artifact, good or bad. To assume the same should apply to the "Temple" is logical and the most likely interpretation. To assume the intent of the card is limited to those "in the know," which hosts like me are not.
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The Schaef

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2009, 10:37:06 PM »
Since "artifact" is completely unaligned, you can discard any artifact, good or bad.

There is no such thing as a "good or bad" Artifact, based on the defined card type.  That is arbitrary.

To assume the same should apply to the "Temple" is logical and the most likely interpretation.

Since Temple is not a "card type", there is no correlation between the two.  There is no distinction of alignment with Artifacts simply because Artifacts do not HAVE an alignment.  You cannot apply that same logic to cards that HAVE alignment.

Considering all the departures from strictly literal English that Redemption takes in creating its definitions, this is a very strange time to suddenly demand it on what is essentially a minor issue.  Moreover, there are specific Temples (capital T) that have a specific purpose in God's specific plan as used by God's specific chosen people.  I think that to say hosts of a Christian card game have absolutely no way of figuring that out using common sense, especially considering that those Temples are different in nearly every way from other cards that have the word "temple" in the title, I think you are giving people a LOT less credit for intellect than I would dare.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2009, 10:40:42 PM »
I think that to say hosts of a Christian card game have absolutely no way of figuring that out using common sense, especially considering that those Temples are different in nearly every way from other cards that have the word "temple" in the title, I think you are giving people a LOT less credit for intellect than I would dare.

Clearly I am an idiot.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 09:50:38 AM by YourMathTeacher »
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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2009, 10:51:43 PM »
The definition of "Temple" simply needs to be put into the REG. As far as I can see there's only a few options, either...

1) We go by temples unto Yahweh. Only 3 cards meet that criterion. (Solomon's Temple, Zerubbabel's Temple and Herod's Temple)

2) We go by a Fortress that can hold Temple Artifacts. Only 3 cards meet that criterion. (Solomon's Temple, Zerubbabel's Temple and The Tabernacle)

3) We go by a Fortress that was a Temple and can hold Temple Artifacts. Only 2 cards meet that criterion due to the precedent set by Z. Temple's identifier (Solomon's Temple and Zerubabbel's Temple)

4) We go by a Card that can be validly defined as a temple {as in an actual static building of worship, whether to the true god or to false demon-gods}. I believe only 5 cards meet that criterion. (Solomon's Temple, Zerubbabel's Temple, Herod's Temple, Temple of Dagon and Temple of Nisroch)

According to the context of the card, the only one that makes sense to me is #4, but I know that I'm just a player so my opinion is rather void. Anyways, it'd be nice to get one of these into the REG.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2009, 12:08:45 AM »
I think that to say hosts of a Christian card game have absolutely no way of figuring that out using common sense, especially considering that those Temples are different in nearly every way from other cards that have the word "temple" in the title, I think you are giving people a LOT less credit for intellect than I would dare.

COME ON!  Enough.

Archangel....  I agree with your definitions.  I also think #4 is the only one that makes sense.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2009, 12:15:33 AM »
I think that to say hosts of a Christian card game have absolutely no way of figuring that out using common sense, especially considering that those Temples are different in nearly every way from other cards that have the word "temple" in the title, I think you are giving people a LOT less credit for intellect than I would dare.

COME ON!  Enough.

Archangel....  I agree with your definitions.  I also think #4 is the only one that makes sense.

*nod nod* the most logical. theres nothing on the card that even implies it has to be a good temple. just because its capitalized we're all somehow supposed to believe that only means good temples? please. its a pronoun when used in conjunction with the name of that temple. any gamer looking in will clearly be led to believe that 'temple' merely means any and all structures in the bible that served as temples, be it good or evil.
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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2009, 12:16:52 AM »

And no, because the "t" is capitalized doesn't mean that Temple Vail is a temple. ;)

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2009, 12:54:31 AM »
rite, i was saying just because the t is capitalized doesnt mean we have to assume it means a 'good temple'.
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The Schaef

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2009, 08:05:01 AM »
So how come Z's Temple says "Temple" and everyone nods their head in perfect agreement and understanding, but Desecrate says "Temple" and people just start including all kinds of other weird cards willy-nilly?

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2009, 08:43:54 AM »
So how come Z's Temple says "Temple" and everyone nods their head in perfect agreement and understanding, but Desecrate says "Temple" and people just start including all kinds of other weird cards willy-nilly?

Zerrubbabel's Temple's SA says "good Temple" while Desecrate's SA just says Temple.

A better question would be why, with Desecrate the Temple, you can discard Altar of Dagon but not Temple of Dagon. That question is particularly confusing in light of all the Biblical history that you mentioned that supposedly made the term "Temple" so obvious.
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The Schaef

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2009, 09:17:45 AM »
Zerrubbabel's Temple's SA says "good Temple" while Desecrate's SA just says Temple.

For that reason I might concede that Temple of Dagon would qualify, because it has evil equivalencies to the good Temples.  It's a Fortress, it's historically a temple of a sort, it holds Artifacts, it is similar in a lot of ways.  It's a conclusion that I had to come to through my own processes, though; no one has presented the very logical idea that it's an evil variation on the good Temples which hold the holy artifacts.

I've gotten a lot of flak for paying attention to the capitalization of Temple suggesting a proper term based on Jewish history and the Artifacts we use.  But what I've been hearing in response is that it's any card that says "temple", which is essentially the same logic as capital T, and that it has to be something we intuitively know as a building, which is sort of the same logic as the historical argument.  No gameplay mechanic argument was presented to support discarding Sites or Enhancements, and eventually I came across one by linking equivalent card type and function.  I've frequently wondered aloud why what's good for the goose can't be good for the gander, and received no answer other than further implications that I'm not using my brain.

Oh, and I also like the use of the term "supposedly", like I'm just making up arguments under false pretenses.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 09:23:15 AM by The Schaef »

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2009, 09:50:14 AM »
I've gotten a lot of flak for paying attention to the capitalization of Temple suggesting a proper term based on Jewish history and the Artifacts we use. 

Oops! That was my fault. I misunderstood why you were emphasizing that. I thought it was a response to daClock. I will delete my statement from an earlier post. I really need to take some Biblical History courses. My O.T. Survey class at Liberty was more of a "Run through the Bible" course.  :o

No gameplay mechanic argument was presented to support discarding Sites or Enhancements, and eventually I came across one by linking equivalent card type and function. 

I was suggesting earlier that Temple of Nisroch would be set-aside and therefore out of play, however I guess you meant if it was played in battle. So the question is whether sites and enhancements should be included as well. Personally I think that the term "temple" implies a fortress in Redemption, but I wouldn't care if Temple of Nisroch and Herod's Temple are included since it is not likely that either scenario would ever come to fruition.

I've frequently wondered aloud why what's good for the goose can't be good for the gander, and received no answer other than further implications that I'm not using my brain.

I don't think anyone has implied that you are not using your brain. Some of us were not seeing the same distinction that you were. That is all.
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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2009, 10:09:47 AM »
Oh, and I also like the use of the term "supposedly", like I'm just making up arguments under false pretenses.

I apologize for the double post, but you added this after I had already responded and I did not notice it until later.

I had a professor in college that gave me an "F" on a research paper. Her explanation was that I used the word "amongst" and nobody uses that word anymore, so I clearly plagiarized. After a brief conversation, she retracted her accusation and I ended up getting an "A."

Schaef, you are reading way too much into one word. I meant that something that is "obvious" was not obvious to me. I am not very well versed in Biblical history, as much as I think I should be. Liberty was more on the evangelical side, so the Old Testament was not reinforced. That is why, in this conversation, I see "Temple" as merely a noun that has no other distinction than a building where people worship.
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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2009, 11:53:01 AM »
Oops! That was my fault. I misunderstood why you were emphasizing that. I thought it was a response to daClock.

Well, the response to my pointing the capital T as idiotic has been kind of universal, not something I attribiuted to Ben or you specifically.  I just don't understand being told that one

I was suggesting earlier that Temple of Nisroch would be set-aside and therefore out of play, however I guess you meant if it was played in battle.

Also, it's an Enhancement, so therefore it can be placed in Storehouse, and therefore in an opponent's territory for targeting.  But again, I wanted to get away from the "how do you do that legally" because it was unrelated to "where do you draw the line at defining a Temple".

I don't think anyone has implied that you are not using your brain...I meant that something that is "obvious" was not obvious to me.

Mostly, I was referring to:
a). people acting like they didn't know what I was talking about when I described what I saw as the difference between a "temple" (which I left in lowercase and put in quotes to denote a generic form) and "Temple" (capitalized and put in quotes to emphasize the distinction I was making), saying things like how the card title had a capital T in it and such.
b). the idea that it was a conclusion that was so impossible to draw that no one could possibly come to that conclusion upon looking at the card.  I looked at the card and that was the conclusion I drew, even though I am now willing to revise it to a definition that's a little broader and a lot simpler.  The point being that there seemed to be two extremes at work here: your impression that I was saying there's no way you could look at it and NOT know it was a capital-t-temple-of-god, which was not really what I was saying; and my impression that you were saying there's no way you could look at it and KNOW it was a capital-t-temple-of-god.  Looking back at your posts, it still looks to me like you were saying that.

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Re: Desecrate the Temple...
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2009, 12:50:40 PM »
and my impression that you were saying there's no way you could look at it and KNOW it was a capital-t-temple-of-god.  Looking back at your posts, it still looks to me like you were saying that.

Oh. I see.

Honestly, my first translation of the word in the SA was "noun referring to a place of worship" and I would have assumed it meant a fortress. After your explanation, I see how it could be interpreted as a good Temple only. Like I said, I did not think of any technical religous meaning of the word because I am not as well versed in Biblical tradition as I wish I was. But that is an indictment of myself not you.

I looked at the card and that was the conclusion I drew, even though I am now willing to revise it to a definition that's a little broader and a lot simpler. 

Simpler is better for people like me. I would say assume that I have no idea what you are talking about rather than I was trying to be negative toward you.
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