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Depicting an Evil AltarThis phrase has been changed to mean “is an evil altar”. The following Redemption® cards are impacted by this change:•(Evil): Pagan Priest (Pi) and Worshipping Demons (FF)Depicting an IdolThis phrase has been changed to mean “is an idol”. The following Redemption® cards are impacted by this change:•(Good): Unbowed (FF)•(Evil): Areopagus (EC), Demetrius the Silversmith (EC), Demon behind the Idol (Pi), Evil Sacrifices (EC), King Ahaziah (PC), King Amon (Di), Pagan Priest (Pi), Unbowed (FF), Worshipper of False Gods (Pi) and Worshipping Demons (FF)•(Neutral): Kidron Valley (RA3)
Evil AltarThe phrase “depicting an evil altar” has been ruled to mean “is an evil altar”. All cards that refer to evil altars use the phrase “depicting an evil altar”. The following Redemption® cards are evil altars:•(Neutral): Altar of Ahaz (Pi), Altar of Dagon (Pa, FM) and Manasseh’s Altar (FM)
IdolA card is an idol if it represents a statue or physical representation of a false god. The following Redemption®cards refer to idols:•(Good): Aristarchus (EC), Captive Priest (FM), Jacob Buries the Foreign Gods (RA), Othniel, Son of Kenaz (FM), Purging Evil (FM), Simon The Zealot (Di) and Wisdom (PC)•(Evil): Canaanite Wives (FM), Chemosh Worship (FM), Corrupted Temple (FM), Golden Calf Worship (FM), Idol Worship (FM), Jezebel’s Teaching (RJ), King Tiglath-Pileser III (PoC), Outsiders [Brown/Crimson] (RJ), Table of Demons (EC) and The Fallen King (FM)•(Neutral): Ark of the Covenant (RJ), Endless Treasures (PoC) and Tables of the Law (FM)•(Dual-Alignment): First Bowl of Wrath (RJ)The following Redemption® cards are idols:•(Neutral): Altar of Dagon (Pa, FM), Asherah Pole (Ki), Gideon’s Ephod (FM), Golden Calf (H, FM), Household Idols (Ap), Idols of Canaan (FM), Image of the Beast (RJ), Manasseh’s Altar(FM) and Shrine to Artemis (EC)
The newest Phinehas has an ability stating "My band to an O.T. red warrior to discard an evil Enhancement." Can he band even if there is no evil Enhancement available to discard?