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Note: All good/evil enhancements are both good and evil, and can be targeted as either in a hand, deck, or discard pile. For example, Gabriel (Kings) can search a deck for Foreign Sword and discard it, since it is evil. Also, you can use A Soldier's Prayer to search your discard pile for it, since it is a red enhancement.
As I said, we're in new territory here, and aparently there is some difference of opinion among the elders at this point. We'll talk about it on the other side and return with something official
I'm glad none of us will be able to understand the ruling now.
But part of our job as elders is to be united in our leadership, and arguing about things here doesn't aid that goal
Whenever X elder rules on Y after his side lost the argument, I almost always hear X elder say "I didn't like the ruling, but it was what was decided on".
I thought the elder system was developed to combat the difficulty in the receiving an official ruling, not to move ruling discussions into a gentleman's club where the common people have no tangible concept of what is going on or what objections have been raised to certain rulings.
I do not think this is the case. I have stated a lot of rulings here, and I very rarely have said anything like that. I also have read many other elder rulings here and have very rarely seen them say that. I challenge you to do a search for rulings by elders and see whether they truly "almost always" say anything like that.
It was developed to get official rulings faster (and has worked in that regard over the last 6 months).
You also don't paint an accurate picture with your gentleman's club implications.
The "common people" can read all the objections they want (probably more than they want) on this side of the forum, and can ask any questions they like when we come back with an official answer.