New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Yes, it doesn't function as a negate but it's accomplishing the same result.
(Which also makes me question the definition of Restrict since its supposed to be on players not on cards)
Quote(Which also makes me question the definition of Restrict since its supposed to be on players not on cards)A restrict ability keeps a player from performing an action that they would normally be allowed to perform.A restrict ability reduces the number of game action choices available to a player.All restrict abilities are ongoing. A restrict ability targets the player that becomes restricted.Restrict abilities last for one round.The phrases “player may not”, "no player may" and "no ability card may be played" mean the same as “restrict”. just putting it out there
I know... Its just that this is not following the rules of Restrict.
The weapon doesn't work. You misunderstood what he was saying.
I was around when it was being hashed out, and the reason it is what it is is because all other possible definitions had a major gameplay problem associated with them.
Yeah, I get that but I'm the kind of person that likes to read those hundreds of posts for fun (maybe someday I'll see the other side)! I might be crazy but I enjoy seeing the thought processes involved. It always gets me when people post when they obviously haven't read the previous 20 pages; I think "who wants to miss all the good stuff"? Admittedly there are some threads that aren't much fun but even those I read all the way through. Maybe I'm masochistic or OCD?