Author Topic: Ctb, ownership and control, forced draw  (Read 899 times)


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Ctb, ownership and control, forced draw
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:26:41 PM »
If I attack with Rachel and my opponent blocks with Leviathan does he get special initiative if I play Obedience of Noah and choose a smaller evil character to block that is loosing?

If I have Simon the Zealot active and attack and choose my own King Menahem to block is my hand still protected?

Does Simon the Zealot protect from forced draw?

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Re: Ctb, ownership and control, forced draw
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 03:01:48 PM »
For CtB, your opponent used to gain special initiative in the scenario you laid out. That changed at the end of this past year, however.

Gentlemen, thanks for your patience while I wasn't able to get back to this right away. The elders have decided that a choose opponent ability does not cause special initiative. When the entire ability has completed, it has withdrawn all Heroes from battle and presented a new Hero. At best you are losing by the numbers which does not warrant special initiative.

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Re: Ctb, ownership and control, forced draw
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 03:20:30 PM »
Does Simon the Zealot protect from forced draw?
I believe he does for the fact that he specifies opponents' cards (as opposed to opponents). Regardless of who's actually doing the drawing, the opponent's card is causing it so Simon would protect you from it.

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Re: Ctb, ownership and control, forced draw
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 03:34:11 PM »
1. I agree with Kirk, Leviathan does not get SI to interrupt OoN.

2. Because StZ specifies opponents' cards, the only cards that are protected against are ones that are owned and controlled by someone other than you. Since KM is owned by you StZ doesn't protect from him.

3. browarod is correct. Just like Thaddeus protects decks from being drawn from from abilities used by the appropriate ECs, Simon protects against forced draw. Fortunately he also protects your hand, so that Mayhem doesn't make him unplayable... :P
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