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CovenantA Covenant is both a good Enhancement and an Artifact, and can be targeted as either (inhand, deck, or discard pile) until it is played, held, activated, or placed in Artifact pile as oneor the other. A Covenant that is played or held as an Enhancement can no longer be targetedas an Artifact. A Covenant that is activated or placed in the Artifact pile can no longer betargeted as an Enhancement and it is a neutral card with no brigade. A Covenant can alwaysbe targeted as a Covenant, which may be modified by a brigade or being active as anArtifact.
CurseA Curse is both an evil Enhancement and an Artifact, and can be targeted as either (in hand,deck, or discard pile) until it is played, held, activated, or placed in Artifact pile as one or theother. A Curse that is played or held as an Enhancement can no longer be targeted as anArtifact. A Curse that is activated or placed in the Artifact pile can no longer be targeted asan Enhancement, and it is a neutral card with no brigade. A Curse can always be targeted as aCurse, which may be modified by a brigade or being active as an Artifact.