Author Topic: Couple of questions  (Read 1420 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Couple of questions
« on: February 19, 2010, 01:36:19 PM »
1.  How does Tartaros work in regards to unique characters in play?  Since the fortress is in play if it is holding my opponents discarded Prince of this World (or other unique demon), can I lay my own down?

1b.  How does TeP Wandering Spirit work with Tartaros is play?  Does it go underneath deck or to Tartaros?

2.  I know there was a huge post about this but I can't find it, and was wondering what the final ruling was.  I have 3 Sin in the Camps in my territory and no cards in hand.  I draw Mayhem do I get a chance to slap it down or does it automatically go back underneath my deck?

Type: Fortress • Brigade: Multicolor • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: All demons that holder captures, discards, or has in Land of Bondage are placed in Tartaros. Release one demon to holder's territory from Tartaros when one of holder's demons wins in battle. • Identifiers: None • Verse: II Peter 2:4 • Availability: Apostles booster packs (Uncommon)

Sin in the Camp
Type: Evil Enh. • Brigade: Pale Green • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Place in a player’s territory. During that player’s upkeep phase, he must place a card from hand beneath draw pile. That player may reveal a good Dominant from hand and place it beneath draw pile to discard this card. • Errata: Place in a player's territory. During that player's Upkeep Phase, he must place a card from hand beneath draw pile. That player may reveal a good Dominant from hand and place it beneath draw pile to discard all copies of this card in his territory. • Identifiers: None • Verse: Joshua 7:11 • Availability: Priests booster packs (Rare)

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Couple of questions
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 01:49:40 PM »
1.  How does Tartaros work in regards to unique characters in play?  Since the fortress is in play if it is holding my opponents discarded Prince of this World (or other unique demon), can I lay my own down?

1b.  How does TeP Wandering Spirit work with Tartaros is play?  Does it go underneath deck or to Tartaros?

2.  I know there was a huge post about this but I can't find it, and was wondering what the final ruling was.  I have 3 Sin in the Camps in my territory and no cards in hand.  I draw Mayhem do I get a chance to slap it down or does it automatically go back underneath my deck?

Type: Fortress • Brigade: Multicolor • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: All demons that holder captures, discards, or has in Land of Bondage are placed in Tartaros. Release one demon to holder's territory from Tartaros when one of holder's demons wins in battle. • Identifiers: None • Verse: II Peter 2:4 • Availability: Apostles booster packs (Uncommon)

Sin in the Camp
Type: Evil Enh. • Brigade: Pale Green • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Place in a player’s territory. During that player’s upkeep phase, he must place a card from hand beneath draw pile. That player may reveal a good Dominant from hand and place it beneath draw pile to discard this card. • Errata: Place in a player's territory. During that player's Upkeep Phase, he must place a card from hand beneath draw pile. That player may reveal a good Dominant from hand and place it beneath draw pile to discard all copies of this card in his territory. • Identifiers: None • Verse: Joshua 7:11 • Availability: Priests booster packs (Rare)

Firstly, Tartaros is actually in Set-Aside area, not in play. That was ruled ages ago, when it was determined that we didn't want people to discard demons from Tartaros (with cards like Elymas bar-Jesus) to fulfill a cost, then return the demon to Tartaros. However, it is still in your set-aside area, so yes, if your opponent's PotW is in your Tartaros, you are not allowed to control  another one in battle or territory.

The only time any demon goes to Tartaros is when you yourself discard it. So unless you discard your own WS, it goes to bottom of draw pile. But I believe since Tartaros' ability was active first, if you do discard WS (with, say, a Failed Objective/DoU type card--after banding to the appropriate colored demon) than you would have to put him in Tartaros. As far as Tartaros vs. Gates of Hell, I believe it also comes down to what is active first (so if GoH was active first, your orange demons go to your territory; if Tartaros, then they would go there), but I'm not sure on that.

As to the Mayhem question, I believe it was ruled that SitC triggers directly after your draw phase, so Mayhem isn't able to be played, but I am not 100% sure.
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Couple of questions
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 02:39:43 PM »
Firstly, Tartaros is actually in Set-Aside area, not in play. That was ruled ages ago, when it was determined that we didn't want people to discard demons from Tartaros (with cards like Elymas bar-Jesus) to fulfill a cost, then return the demon to Tartaros. However, it is still in your set-aside area, so yes, if your opponent's PotW is in your Tartaros, you are not allowed to control  another one in battle or territory.

So my follow up question to this is, say I have a PotW in my Tartaros, I then draw one.  I can't play him so I discard him sending it to Tartaros, now I can never play with either because I constantly controlling two of them, so I have to discard one of them sending them back to Tartaros, in a never ending cycle?

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Couple of questions
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2010, 02:56:09 PM »
Interesting question...I think that since discarding him forces the game rule of duplicates being discarded, you could choose which one stays in Tartaros and which one goes to a discard pile. That's how I would rule it, but I can't say if that's right. I don't know of how else it could be done though.
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Re: Couple of questions
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2010, 08:30:17 PM »
I say you can't discard him either, just to make this game even more convoluted ;)


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