Author Topic: Conversion List  (Read 1781 times)

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Conversion List
« on: October 08, 2008, 02:42:47 PM »
I am happy to be the bearer of good news.  Here is the ruling from Rob:

If an Evil Character is converted to a Hero, it’s special ability works as long as it cannot negatively affect a Hero in play or set-aside.  A good rule of thumb is that a converted Evil Character is allowed to do what Heroes are allowed to do.  If there is any doubt about what is allowed the test is, are there any Heroes allowed to perform the special ability in question?  There are only a handful of Heroes with special abilties that are unusual for Heroes (see list below of Heroes with special abilities that don't work for coverted Evil Charcters).   For example, banding to another Hero is permitted since a number of Heroes are allowed to band.  Therefore, a converted Evil Character with a banding ability may band to a Hero if the situation is appropriate.  For example a converted Potiphar may band to a converted Potiphar's Wife.  Moroever, negate all cards are allowed to keep working (e.g., Sapphira). Game rules are still operative (e.g., Heroes may not use evil enhancements or band to Evil Characters). 

List of Heroes with Special Abilities that do not work on converted ECs:

King Pekah ...
(this list will be in the REG)

So, if a special ability exists on a hero, then a like ability on a converted character still works.

So, a converted Sapphira or Towered character works (see Moses)
A converted Saph bands to a converted Ishbibenob. (see Aaron banded to Miriam)
A converted Zimri will NOT work (that will be on the excepetion list).

Good news?

Since I've been told this is the ruling, what is this list of conversion exceptions that starts with King Pekah? It's been like six months now, I'm dying to know. :)
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