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How in blue blood burns blue is anyone supposed to be able to hold on to the Armor for longer than five seconds with things like Ashtaroth Worship, King's Pomp, and every third evil card from Cloud of Witnesses skulking around?
Speaking of which, I actually didn't know that Peter was a missionary. I thought he should be, but it didn't show up on his in-print identifiers. I know that unprinted identifiers has been a thing forever, but I thought the newer cards would have been a little more thorough...
The following Heroes are considered missionaries:Apollos (Ap), Apollos (TEC) Aquila (Ap), Aquila (TEC), Barnabas (UL), Barnabas (B), Barnabas (D), Barnabas (TEC), John (Pr), John (P), John (H), John (I), Luke (Ap), Luke (TEC), Mark (L), Mark (UL), Mark (D), Mark (TEC), Paul (when converted from Saul) (Ap), Peter (Ap), Peter (I), Peter (TEC), Philip the Evangelist (Ap), Philip the Evangelist (TEC), Priscilla (Ap), Priscilla (H), Priscilla (TEC), Silas (L), Silas (UL), Silas (D), Silas (TEC), Timothy (Ap), Timothy (H), Timothy (TEC), Titus (Ap), a nd T itus (EC)
It's not supposed to be easy to obtain and keep a super warrior on the table. A well built deck can have plenty of tools to hinder those counters and get the armor back though.
I assume that I am correct still that a Joshua taking a Site would not also take its contents but return them to owner's hand?