Author Topic: Confusion and Covent of Noah  (Read 2643 times)


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Re: Confusion and Covent of Noah
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2016, 09:42:05 PM »
if it is completely removed from the game, yes. however, it can be negated with a negate last enhancement and interrupting the battle off of the play ability of eternal inheritance can potentially bring it back in to play to be interrupted and negated- similarly to confusion- also similarly to you will remain to captain where gates of hell could be used to add king of tyrus for a negate even after it's completed and removed in the same battle phase.

if eternal inheritance is the last lost soul rescued, the game ends immediately and there is no opportunity to interrupt or negate it.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 09:51:20 PM by kariusvega »


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