Author Topic: Clarification on Foreign Wives + Fortify Site  (Read 846 times)

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Clarification on Foreign Wives + Fortify Site
« on: June 13, 2013, 11:52:51 AM »
There is a thread with the ruling in the New Card ideas section regarding Foreign Wives and Fortify site, and I wanted to post it here as the situation may come up often.

Fortify Site
Search discard pile for a black Canaanite or a Canaanite Site and put it in play to discard an artifact. Protect it from opponents while it remains in territory.

As a clarification, cards that use "while it remains in [a location]" are active until the point in which they are removed from that location. So Judas may be discarded or converted after being set-aside until his ability reactivates (which has long been the ruling) and Foreign Wives (or any other Canaanite) is only protected until the point when it leaves territory. If it returns to territory, the protection is no longer active.
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Re: Clarification on Foreign Wives + Fortify Site
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 08:58:01 PM »
Just wanted to add in (for commonly used cards with this wording) that Simon the Zealot had also been ruled to work the same way in a previous ruling thread.  When he leaves play, the protection is gone even if he comes back to play.

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Re: Clarification on Foreign Wives + Fortify Site
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 10:05:01 PM »
People didn't know this?
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Re: Clarification on Foreign Wives + Fortify Site
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 10:26:32 PM »
People didn't know this?

If you think of the wording instead to boil down to "while XYZ is in territory/play" as meaning it is only active while in that location, not that it has to stay there to continue to be active (for example more like Iron Pan, just checking to see that it meets the condition), then it actually makes a lot of sense how that conclusion is reached.

The exact wording of the abilities in question lead to the ruling we have, but look at all of the times we have differing rulings on the same card and tell me that you would expect everyone to rule this particular one the exact same way ;)


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