Author Topic: Clarification for Discard Phase  (Read 1065 times)

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Clarification for Discard Phase
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:21:28 AM »
All actions that are legal during the discard phase can be performed in any order the player chooses, including the discard of cards from their hand. This is only a clarification as previously it was thought that discarding cards from hand had to be the last action taken. We plan to made the following amendment to the online rulebook.

During your discard phase, you are allowed to perform several game actions, in any order and as many times as you like. The game actions you may perform are as follows:

- Play a character or Site in your territory.
- Play a Fortress in your territory or set-aside, as described on the Fortress.
- Place an Artifact, Curse, or Covenant face down in your Artifact pile.
- Place a weapon-class Enhancement on a warrior-class character in your territory.
- Play a healing, set-aside or territory-class Enhancement on a character in your territory.
- Carry out any ongoing ability (such as on a Fortress, Artifact, or placed enhancement) that is not restricted to a different phase or phases. (For example, "at any time" abilities, Artifacts that say "may" in the ability and don't specify upon activation or in battle, etc.).
- Discard a card from hand

Game actions you are NOT permitted to take during your discard phase, unless an activated special ability allows you to or a condition for performing the action is met:

-Placing Lost Souls in Sites.
-Activating or deactivating artifacts.
-Placing or removing a card in/from a Fortress with a "Holds" identifier or special ability.
-Returning a character from set-aside area.

A player must end his Discard Phase with no more cards in his hand than his current hand size limit (usually eight).

Please visit this post to see all the changes and clarifications for the 2011-2012 tournament season.
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