Author Topic: Change Hand Size  (Read 758 times)


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Change Hand Size
« on: October 14, 2016, 04:00:22 AM »
I have a logistical question about "change hand size" abilities. I am working on some new card ideas relating to this set of abilities and I noticed that it has this default condition:
  • A change hand size ability lasts until the end of the current phase.
My question is: why does it have this default? Since change hand size abilities target the end-of-turn maximum for a player, how are they even supposed to function properly if they only last until the end of the phase and, as such, wouldn't actually accomplish anything unless the ability is activated in the turn player's discard phase? It basically requires that any change hand size abilities have "while in play" or "for X turns" or similar to even function at all, and that seems counter-productive and counter-intuitive.

Was there reasoning for this default? Is it possible to reconsider/change that default so as to be able to save space in card abilities?

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Re: Change Hand Size
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2016, 03:31:57 PM »
The reasoning is probably that all or almost all ongoing abilities have that default condition. Realistically, none of the Change Hand Size abilities actually use the default abilities, since one is an artifact and the other has a "While in play" condition.
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Re: Change Hand Size
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 03:47:08 PM »
That's pretty much what I figured, which is why my follow up question was whether it could be removed. I don't think changing hand sizes (to a certain extent, obviously setting it really low or really high would require a cost/duration) are powerful enough to warrant always limiting them by having to add a duration, and it would save card space to not have to specify a duration.


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