Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
We don't errata cards to make them stronger. (as a general rule)
Hold up, Judas is OP'd now?If we had to make a list of every card that was OP and you insist on Judas being in that category the list would be about 500 cards long.
Then Redemption is not accurate when it comes to scripture? It just seems highly inaccurate that Enoch and Elijah can be "In effect" killed when neither of them actually died. If the change would make them too powerful, then eliminate the card then or else it's still Biblically inaccurate to leave them as is.
Actually, while God can do anything, He has given us free choice and some souls just cannot be saved because of that. Alright, yeah, Redemption can't be 100% accurate, but the point is Elijah and Enoch never died.
*insert flamefromPentecostal**insertlogic**insertflamefromPentecostal**insertlogic**insert"JesuslovesEveryone!"**insertlockage*
Enoch's ability: "Enoch may be removed from the game but is prevented from being discarded. Return Enoch to territory at the end of battle."If dominants can't be prevented, why would his ability stop him from being discarded?