The first of these came up in a games played at teh NC Regionals. The second is an extension...
Darius's Decree: Player A sets aside all his heroes with Pentecost. In his next prep phase Player B turns up Darius's Decree and discards it immediately, without allowing Player A to play DoN (which he had ready for just this happenstance). Is this allowed--or does Player B have to give Player A a chance to play his Dominant?
Samritan Water Jars: Does a player have to provide an opportunity for his opponent to play DoN on SWJ?
If I were judging I would have said "Yes" to the first and "No" to the second. Yes on DD, because the discard is an optional non-triggered ability which seems to me to be akin to having to allow your opponent to play DoN on Hidden Treasures before pushing a prophet into battle. No on SWJ because the discard is a non-optional activation ability.