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When you are losing the battle by removal, you are granted special initiative to play an Enhancement that will interrupt or negate the card that is causing your character's removal. You are considered to be losing by removal when an opponent's special ability, or a game rule that has been triggered by an opponent's special ability, would leave you with no character in battle when the special ability has completed.
This came up at our last tournament, we couldn't come to an agreement.Player 1-Seraph with a live Coal 6/6, Banded to Isaiah 7/8Player 2-Blocks With Archelaus 6/9, Archelaus discards IsaiahCan player 1 play a green negate?
So, Bill, we have learned that you are losing by removal, but not "losing by removal".
but I thought you're losing by removal if no character would remain. Wouldn't the Seraph remain?
According to what is currently published in the 10th anniversary rule book and the REG, yes, you are allowed to play a negate. Last fall we (the elders) discussed special initiative and came to some conclusions. One thing we realized is that special initiative is not even defined in the REG. We've announced and added the following definition that will be published in the next release of the REG.Quote from: Next release of the REGWhen you are losing the battle by removal, you are granted special initiative to play an Enhancement that will interrupt or negate the card that is causing your character's removal. You are considered to be losing by removal when an opponent's special ability, or a game rule that has been triggered by an opponent's special ability, would leave you with no character in battle when the special ability has completed.There was an announcement on the boards about the change to special initiative, but I don't expect everyone to scour the posts on the boards to look for updates. If you ruled that it was legal to play a negate then you ruled according to the status quo. It's probably in everyones best interest to practice the new rules going forward, but until it's officially published in the REG judges should only be held accountable to the resources they've been provided.
Thanks for the conformation Gabe. That's what I was looking for. I ruled at the tournament that player-1 could play a green negate. I never liked it that way but that's what the rules said. I like the change and will rule it that way going forward. Player 2 was gracious and felt that that it probably did not cost him the game. Although his loss did cost him First place.