Author Topic: Breaking the game?  (Read 43440 times)

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #125 on: February 01, 2009, 12:16:16 AM »
Off-Topic: You need a good signature.  Maybe a link to your favorite quotes?
Thanks for the suggestion.  I was actually just thinking about this lately.  The best thing I could come up so far was finding out how to say the following in latin:

It is lame when people put things in a dead language just to make themselves look smarter or to make other people have to look them up.

But I was thinking that might be a bit to negative overall, and I wouldn't want to do it while I was in the middle of a controversy with someone who actually does that, since I wouldn't want it to come across as a personal attack.  However, I thought the irony would be funny :)

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #126 on: February 01, 2009, 12:19:25 AM »
Off-Topic: You need a good signature.  Maybe a link to your favorite quotes?
Thanks for the suggestion.  I was actually just thinking about this lately.  The best thing I could come up so far was finding out how to say the following in latin:

It is lame when people put things in a dead language just to make themselves look smarter or to make other people have to look them up.

But I was thinking that might be a bit to negative overall, and I wouldn't want to do it while I was in the middle of a controversy with someone who actually does that, since I wouldn't want it to come across as a personal attack.  However, I thought the irony would be funny :)
I'm laughing and I think it is very funny...but then again I stopped memorizing Latin when I graduated from High School.  I do still remember that you have to put the verbs at the end of the sentence.
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Offline SirNobody

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #127 on: February 01, 2009, 01:20:40 AM »

I think that the more we can do to limit strategies that prohibit people from actually playing the game (like CTB with mismatching brigades, or pre-block ignores), the more fun the game will be.

Any suggestion to limit strategies throws up a red flag for me.  We want to increase the number of strategy options, not decrease them.

Concern over the solitaire effect is a valid one.  One of Redemption's strengths is its depth of player interaction and that's something we don't want to lose, and players are naturally going to lean towards things that minimize their opponent's options.  But not having the opportunity to play an enhancement in battle does not mean the game doesn't have any player interaction.  The game is becoming more and more about what happens outside of battle; which artifact you activate, which fortresses you have out, what lost souls you're using, and what characters are in your territory/hand.

Choose the blocker in Type 1 is a prime example.  When it's used against you, you likely won't get to play an enhancement in battle, but there are enough counters out there in the form of Artifacts, Fortresses, and Lost Souls that if you're prepared for a choose the blocker offense, you can easily beat it.  Choose the blocker in Type 2 and pre-battle ignores still need more out-of-battle counters, but other than The Garden Tomb, they are moving in the right direction.


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #128 on: February 01, 2009, 01:32:50 AM »
Choose the blocker in Type 2 and pre-battle ignores still need more out-of-battle counters, but other than The Garden Tomb, they are moving in the right direction.
Considering that the latest 2 sets contained:
1 - Reuben's Torn Clothes and a new Jacob which allows for a pre-battle ignore
2 - Again the new Jacob, and a CTB mismatch (with Obedience of Noah)
3 - Zebulun which allows for a whole deck to be based on pre-block ignore and a shut out defense
4 - The Garden Tomb which allows for an entire deck to be built around pre-battle ignore and be successful to the extent of changing the meta

I'm not sure that this is actually moving in the right direction.  That is why I am trying to bring this to attention.

The Schaef

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #129 on: February 01, 2009, 01:37:23 AM »
Zeb is a low-percentage lockout and aside from existing counters, my current defense is unfazed by him.

There are enough ways to get rid of Fortresses that it is still a risky venture to base an entire deck around that one card.

Journey to Egypt kills 98% of gold defenses immediately with almost no recourse and that hasn't caused problems even as Egypt has grown in strength.

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #130 on: February 01, 2009, 02:09:33 AM »

There are enough ways to get rid of Fortresses that it is still a risky venture to base an entire deck around that one card.

Spreading Mildew and Romans Destroy Jerusalem are the only cards I can think of that can discard The Garden Tomb, and you're going to have to jump through hoops (read side battles) to play either of them since The Garden Tomb strategy is not letting you block with your evil characters.


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly


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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #131 on: February 01, 2009, 03:56:45 AM »
Ok, I only saw like, one other person point this out about option #1 presented by Rob:

1) You cannot choose your own evil character to block your rescue attempt.  In other words, if you are rescuing against me you can only force me to block with a character I could have legally chosen for myself.   This would prevent you from forcing me to block with a character like Red Dragon when I am not playing crimson.

How am I supposed to check this? Scan their entire deck and hand to make sure they dont have a card like Lurking (which btw, would COMPLETELY shred these combo offenses)? Also, what if I happen to draw Jacob, Obed of Noah, and an EC on the first turn? I havent seen their defense, so how can I know what they can play?

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #132 on: February 01, 2009, 04:25:40 AM »
I'd vote for option CLOCK
Retreat all heroes, thats what the card was originally intended to do, retreive a botched RA.

Journey to Egypt kills 98% of gold defenses immediately with almost no recourse and that hasn't caused problems even as Egypt has grown in strength.

This is far more broken than any GTG deck, sitting there knowing that my only hope is cm/uw (In a deck with healing and usually a form of anti capture) or else I could deck and not be able to block is pretty OP'd. But schaef is right, it hasnt stopped me from using gold or enjoying it.

Thanks Rob for this great game. I'll keep trying to break it ;)
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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #133 on: February 01, 2009, 08:33:10 AM »
If people who don't want to change anything have valid reasons and support for that stance then I do not think we should discount them as an option.

I haven't seen valid reasons. I have seen self-centered reasons. Speaking hypothetically, if the creator of a game thinks that his game is going in the wrong direction but everyone refuses to make amends, what is to stop the creator from simply giving up on his own game? I doubt Rob specifically would do that, but why not appease him on this occasion? Has Rob really come to the boards that often with a specific request such as this? He's asking for help and he didn't need to. His word is final.

I know it is just my opinion, but I just ask you to look at this request outside of game mechanics, intense strategies, and ingenious combos. This is our brother asking how to help make this game what he intended.
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #134 on: February 01, 2009, 08:40:10 AM »
There is one combo that I think has been abused for a while.

The combo starts off with Choose the Blocker where you pick your own character to block that would grant you initiative (like Red Dragon).  Then you play some cards that allow you to draw cards and discard cards from your opponent, then play a Withdraw card and keep it going... 

The playtesters and I have been kicking around a rule change.  However, there is no consensus.  Since you, the players, have a stake in this I will tell you what is in discussion and let you comment. 


1) You cannot choose your own evil character to block your rescue attempt.  In other words, if you are rescuing against me you can only force me to block with a character I could have legally chosen for myself.  This would prevent you from forcing me to block with a character like Red Dragon when I am not playing crimson.

2) When you play a "withdraw" enhancement, you cannot return enhancements to hand that match the brigade of a hero still in battle. [Withdraw enhancements were designed to salvage something from a failed battle, not perpetually play and return the same enhancements over and over].

3)  Instead of either of the above which deal with a specific ability type (withdraw or choose the blocker), we make a more general rule that in a stalemate situation if your opponent continuously passes initiative, there is a cap on how many cards you can play.  Back to the Red Dragon example, you set up a stalemate and since I don't play crimson I must keep passing initiative after you play a card.  In this situation you would be limited to how many cards you can play before battle is resolved.  The limit would be some number yet to be determined (3 cards, 5 cards, 7 cards). 

Note:  whatever we decide would likely happen soon (before state and regional events, rather than after nationals).
It seems to me from this post that Rob is sort of indecisive at the moment. What he wants is the peoples' input. If nobody wants anything changed, I would think he'd want to know.
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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #135 on: February 01, 2009, 08:47:34 AM »
His first sentence seems pretty definitive to me.
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The Schaef

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #136 on: February 01, 2009, 08:50:23 AM »
Spreading Mildew and Romans Destroy Jerusalem are the only cards I can think of that can discard The Garden Tomb

I said FortressES... Garden Tomb is particularly problematic but many potent strategies can be made to rely too much on one or two support cards.  That was the point.

Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #137 on: February 01, 2009, 09:31:32 AM »
If people who don't want to change anything have valid reasons and support for that stance then I do not think we should discount them as an option.

I haven't seen valid reasons. I have seen self-centered reasons.
Thank you for that. I'll try to be more altruistic in the future.

Speaking hypothetically,...
Speaking pragmatically, are you really saying that if a person asks for advice about fixing a problem that you don't think exists, that your only option is to not offer that point of view?

Speaking hypothetically, let's say I thought my son's behavior was "wild," and decided to either put him on ADHD drugs or enroll him in military school. If I went and asked my son's teachers for their opinions on drugs vs. discipline, I would be very troubled if they felt my son's behavior was normal for kids that age and chose not to let me know that piece of information because it wasn't one of the two options I offered.

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #138 on: February 01, 2009, 09:34:21 AM »
I apologize for that then. I was just trying to support Rob as best I could.

However, I cannot speak for him, so I won't. My opinion is just my own.
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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #139 on: February 01, 2009, 03:15:23 PM »
I said FortressES... Garden Tomb is particularly problematic but many potent strategies can be made to rely too much on one or two support cards.  That was the point.
And my point was that the most powerful cards leading to Redemption Solitaire have come out in the last couple sets released.

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #140 on: February 01, 2009, 03:17:24 PM »
Combo decks have recently become and interest of mine, but in a sort of oddball way. I would definae myself as a type 1 2-p combo deck user. Yes, type 1. You can credit Lambo for that designation, as he showed me the light of them.

My combo deck is a bit different than the ones being discussed, but I think it's worth mentioning. I have not adapted it to type 2. It's still very potent though.

Currently I use 11 combo related cards in my deck: King Jehosophat, Elishama, Angel in the Path (wa), Maharai, Moses and Elders, Claudia, Ethiopian Treasurer, Gathering of Angels, Spiritual Warfare, Brass Serpent and Three Nails

In a 63 card type 1 deck, after souls (8), dominants (8), artifacts (5), and sites (6/7), I have about 25 defensive cards to put in the deck. If the combo is pulled off, I ignore all but 4 cards in the game pre-battle (Doubt, Madness, Serpent, and Leviathan [Self would be able to enter battle, but upon entering, would become either angel or human and subsequently be ignored]).

Is this combo broken? No. None of these combos are broken in my humble opinion. Each combo is merely a beautiful creation of a smart man's mind used to glorify God. By limiting creative combos, we are essentially limiting the player's mind in deckbuilding, which, from what I gather, we wish to avoid.

The main problem I have with the Tomb is it's impossiblity to target. We need good cards to target any fortress or something that can be played to stop fortresses without having the block (Artifact ala Captured Ark or a Dominant)


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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #141 on: February 01, 2009, 03:39:51 PM »
Currently I use 11 combo related cards in my deck: King Jehosophat, Elishama, Angel in the Path (wa), Maharai, Moses and Elders, Claudia, Ethiopian Treasurer, Gathering of Angels, Spiritual Warfare, Brass Serpent and Three Nails

The core of which was created by me.  ;)

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #142 on: February 01, 2009, 03:44:11 PM »
The main problem I have with the Tomb is it's impossiblity to target.
The Garden Tomb is not impossible to target. As I had mentioned earlier on another thread--my son did a quite effective job of blowing up my TGT (and hence my deck) in a tournament without even allowing me to play a card while he did it. I agree that TGT is one card that takes the most effort in deck design to counter, but forcing people to put additional thought into their decks is a good thing, IMO.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #143 on: February 01, 2009, 03:54:23 PM »
my son did a quite effective job of blowing up my TGT
and he probably did it with RDJ.  But should everyone have to play an emp defense this year?

The Schaef

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #144 on: February 01, 2009, 03:55:56 PM »
And my point was that the most powerful cards leading to Redemption Solitaire have come out in the last couple sets released.

I disagree with your assessment of what the game has produced.  What you call Redemption Solitaire is an offense or defense that is very difficult to counter once it is set up and executed, but one of your prime examples is one that my defense doesn't even flinch at.  What I call Redemption Solitaire is when a player can continue to create side battles and withdraw over and over again, creating a situation where his turn takes 45 minutes and the game times out instead of going through a normal series of turns.  In other words, I consider your examples a powerful lockout but not game-breaking, and not at all bad compared to the things we had to stifle five years ago.  The idea is to keep people from locking the game in an unbreakable loop, not to ensure them having some arbitrary requisite amount of "fun" in a given game.

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #145 on: February 01, 2009, 04:00:12 PM »
Redemption Solitaire is when a player can continue to create side battles
I thought we solved this problem with the one side battle per turn rule, what did I miss?

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #146 on: February 01, 2009, 04:02:15 PM »
Garden Tomb will be addressed in the next set.  Same with many pre-block ignores.  And the cards will be useful for more than just stopping those.  Don't worry about those.  

Going back to Rob's list of suggestions (and the variations mentioned), I really like Schaef's suggestion and Tim Maly's suggestion, which are variations of option 2.  I am not fond of playing a stack of enhancements, returning them to hand, and then playing them all again in the same battle, repeat x5 in Type 2.  I don't care whether it wins games or not.  That is not the point.  The point is that it is NOT FUN to watch an opponent take a 10-minute turn where you do nothing but watch.  The point of the game is fun and fellowship.  10-minute solitaire turns are neither fun nor fellowship.

If the enhancement cards are not returned to hand until AFTER the battle (instead of being discarded), then that fixes the problem.

Option 1 would be OK with me, too.  Again, it is based on the interactive FUN aspect of the game, not whether or not it wins games.  However, if most players think there are enough counters to this, then I'm totally fine with it satying how it is.

The Schaef

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #147 on: February 01, 2009, 04:03:29 PM »
I thought we solved this problem with the one side battle per turn rule, what did I miss?
That's exactly my point.  What those decks did, and the solution required to fix them, is entirely different from someone having to put up with a Zeb deck.

Has anybody thought of putting Masquerading or Defiant in their decks?

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #148 on: February 01, 2009, 04:11:35 PM »
Has anybody thought of putting Masquerading or Defiant in their decks?
Holy of Holies wasn't enough to stop FbtN from being unbalanced.  Masquerading and Defiant simply aren't enough to keep pre-block ignore from being unbalanced.  We really need a good deal more stuff to combat pre-block ignore.  Bryon's statement is clear that we're getting some so I'm in a wait and see period.  Once the next set is released I (and everyone else) will be able to make informed assessments as to whether the pre-block ignore strategy still needs more counter balancing.

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Re: Breaking the game?
« Reply #149 on: February 01, 2009, 04:26:09 PM »
I did but I don't use enough staple demons in those brigades, though in orange masquerading would be CBN on a certain place card demon ;)
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