Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
We need to ban Haman's Plot. It is too OP and breaks the game as well as itself. Who's with me?Sean
Given that we don't want to ban cards
Your two decks from 2007 would be two of the three I don't have in my records for T2-2P. If you wanted to e-mail them to me I'd be happy to add them to my site ;-)
I think that the most revealing idea about this whole thread is the idea that one can submit combo ideas to certain individuals with authority for review and analysis as to their legality. I think this information now provides those playing the game no excuse for arguing a ruling at Nats with the proverbial 'they let me at' Regionals, Districts, etc. This game is a wonderful game that was designed to expose people to the word of God and promote a fellowship in that word. Sure it provides or supplements a living for some, but for those that play the game the rulings should never out way the importance of the fellowship. I myself wouldn't care if they never printed a new s/a or if I ever beat Tim or Justin or Scottie_ffgamer as long as I have the fellowship where we could bust into a testimony of the Savior at any time in the game.I love the passion for the game but this game survives because of a much greater compassion for Christ. The only rule changing that I would like to see is the over 40 rule. If you are over 40 you can demand a new beginning to the game (shuffle all redeemed lost souls of your opponent) if someone under 40 is layin a beat down on you.
1) You cannot choose your own evil character to block your rescue attempt. In other words, if you are rescuing against me you can only force me to block with a character I could have legally chosen for myself. This would prevent you from forcing me to block with a character like Red Dragon when I am not playing crimson.
2) When you play a "withdraw" enhancement, you cannot return enhancements to hand that match the brigade of a hero still in battle. [Withdraw enhancements were designed to salvage something from a failed battle, not perpetually play and return the same enhancements over and over].
3) Instead of either of the above which deal with a specific ability type (withdraw or choose the blocker), we make a more general rule that in a stalemate situation if your opponent continuously passes initiative, there is a cap on how many cards you can play. Back to the Red Dragon example, you set up a stalemate and since I don't play crimson I must keep passing initiative after you play a card. In this situation you would be limited to how many cards you can play before battle is resolved. The limit would be some number yet to be determined (3 cards, 5 cards, 7 cards).
- Fewer reactive cards, more proactive cards.Redemption has done a better job lately of combining these two ideas. They have made cards that have helped limit the power of something, while having alternative usefulness when that thing isn't there in your opponent's deck.
btw, galadgawyn, Primary Objective has been ruled for, and red_dragon_thorn (I forget if he's changed his name now) had built a theoretical deck that can do it. everybody said that it's perfectly legal, but impossible to get. so, this deck has been ruled legal. go ahead and use it wherever you want.
But, Rob and others in their grand wisdom decide whether these super wonderful combos which are guarenteed to win every game are allowed to stay or not.
I simply believe that even tho your super combos are celestial, they must not cause others to lose every single time - thus reducing morale amongst gamers and shrinking player numbers. Am I mistaken? Tho I admire cataclysmic deck designs and acknowledge the intellingence and know how that led to these combos - the game must survive without the top combo designers just ruling the ruins... ...imho...
Are those who come up with these divine combos entitled to cause noobs and sub noobs to simply give up the game? Give up the money to buy packs?
If they get rid of these combos then what is left? I go back to the same old 5 AoC, blah, blah, blah, decks? I liked making it at first but it gets boring if thats all there is. If there is a continued effort to make Redemption more like Candyland (which is very noob friendly) and less like chess then I don't think I'll still play. This is not pouting or anything, it just won't hold any appeal anymore. I love going to tournaments and meeting friends, having fellowship, etc. but there are many ways for me to do that besides playing Candyland (nothing against Candyland which I played as a child and will probably play with my kids).
I humbly believe this is similar to a Socialist mindset and not in line with the Scriptural principle of "you reap what you sow".
I think #3 is the best choice overall, and would address other problems, including partially limiting Momentum Change's power. The only drawback would be handcuffing some defenses against massive banding chains. As long as we have strong enough answers for that, I think a 3 card limit is the most practical and fair resolution.
I am not sure I follow. Initiative would not transfer in the middle of a banding chain. It transfers after the band is completed. Moreover, after a massive banding chain, in most cases you would be winning the battle and not have initiative to keep playing cards.
It is also about me watching you play cards for 15 straight minutes while I can do nothing. If you think about initiative and why I created it, it was to prevent my opponent from piling on when he was already winning the battle. A rule adjustment on this issue is in the same spirit.
No offense but that seems like a silly statement to me.
Also, to me it's not only about my opponent having an unbeatable deck. It is also about me watching you play cards for 15 straight minutes while I can do nothing.
New players will also become quickly discouraged if they go to a tournament only to find out that they are completely locked out of the game on turn one every time.
And I would remind you that there is no situation in chess where you can make it in the first turn or in a single move that the other player is unable to do anything at all and you can just keep making all the moves you want for the entire game.
If anything, this whole situation can benefit from players looking for ways to abuse this to that extreme point and submitting it as evidence.