Author Topic: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge  (Read 5453 times)

Offline Red Dragon Thorn

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2014, 09:53:22 PM »
There's a difference between showing one card that your opponent has at least some idea that you have - And revealing your entire hand.

There's a reason that cards like Vain Philosophy, Sorrow of Mary, Emperor Tiberius, Urim&Thummin, Angelic Guidance, etc are so powerful. The knowledge of exactly what your opponent can and cannot do is super important because of the way our game operates. This proposal is unlikely to find much, if any traction with the vast majority of my fellow elders and I.

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2014, 10:34:53 PM »
Again, this is something that is in place in every game that doesn't involve lying, and I honestly don't get the hard-and-fast position here.  "You have to X."  "Oh I can't."  Do I call the 'bluff' and call a judge over?  That's not how this should work, you shouldn't be able to lie through that and just hope you draw before they see your hand again (which is generally going to happen) if you want to cheat, and I shouldn't have to seem like I am calling a babysitter-judge over to make sure things are on the up-and-up.

And as much as we all agree that the vast majority of players are going to play this right, cheating happens.  If you don't know 'that player' in your extended tournament group or at larger tournaments who might 'fudge the truth' a bit, that doesn't mean they aren't there (I know of some).

Beyond that, it's just a common-sense rule that is very logical to implement.  The cases where this matters and the hand is revealed are few, but the possible effect of 'misplaying' in those cases is greater.  I would go with the logical rule that also resolves a potentially larger problem (and removes the temptation).

Offline Drrek

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2014, 11:18:50 PM »
Again, this is something that is in place in every game that doesn't involve lying, and I honestly don't get the hard-and-fast position here.  "You have to X."  "Oh I can't."  Do I call the 'bluff' and call a judge over?  That's not how this should work, you shouldn't be able to lie through that and just hope you draw before they see your hand again (which is generally going to happen) if you want to cheat, and I shouldn't have to seem like I am calling a babysitter-judge over to make sure things are on the up-and-up.

And as much as we all agree that the vast majority of players are going to play this right, cheating happens.  If you don't know 'that player' in your extended tournament group or at larger tournaments who might 'fudge the truth' a bit, that doesn't mean they aren't there (I know of some).

Beyond that, it's just a common-sense rule that is very logical to implement.  The cases where this matters and the hand is revealed are few, but the possible effect of 'misplaying' in those cases is greater.  I would go with the logical rule that also resolves a potentially larger problem (and removes the temptation).

Also, let's say I call your "bluff" and you did have X in your hand, do you get disqualified for this?  I mean do we even have a rule for this situation?
The user formerly known as Easty.

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2014, 01:35:34 AM »
This proposal is unlikely to find much, if any traction with the vast majority of my fellow elders and I.

It is the reason that this proposal will not find any traction that I find most disturbing. At its root, it is simply selfishness. I realize that this seems harsh and I will get my fair share of -1's (as I already have so far in this thread), but let me clarify.

The concern is about a "competitive edge" that may be gained. Normally when this is the case, the elders create counters (i.e. to weaken pre-block ignore). Yet, in spite of the success of hand-control decks at the highest levels, we still do not have very many counters that protect the hand (which would make this thread moot). This proposal instead is simply met with very strong resistance, even though there is no technical basis for it. I have already illustrated that we currently use "unwritten" defaults to prevent cheating. As stated by others, I am not the only one that sees that cheating is a problem even in Redemption, yet that is not a "competitive edge" the elders want to counter.

I also have already stated that the mathematical probability of the supposed "competitive edge" this proposal would bring is very low, since there are too many dependent variables:

1.) Your opponent would have to have a card that targets a specific card(s) in your hand.
2.) Your opponent would have to get that card out of their deck before the game was over.
3.) Your opponent would have to have the opportunity to play that card.
4.) You would have to not have the targeted card(s) in your hand at that moment.
5.) The reveal would have to change the outcome of that battle.
6.) You would have to ultimately lose the game because of that outcome.

Now, I have never actually played any of the Alstads, but I am fairly certain that any one of them could play an entire game with their hand face up on the table, and they would still win 9 out of 10 games they play. So, ultimately, we are only talking about that one game where this may make a difference.

There is a bigger picture here (cheating) that this proposal is trying to address. But the resistance is based off the low probability that certain individuals may lose that one game. To me that is selfish, but we do what we have to do.

Interestingly, ...

I mean no disrespect, but if I were a player in your tournament, I would only reveal my hand to you (presumably the judge) and not my opponent.

... I personally would allow this in lieu of the proposed rule during a tournament, if a player requested it. I actually have no problem with letting the competitive players make these types of requests, and making exceptions for them. But, as a general rule, I think we need to look at the bigger picture, and do what is best for the game, not for individuals.
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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2014, 01:51:33 AM »
The rule that a card must be shown after a specific search (i.e. Ethiopian Treasurer searching for a no-SA good enhancement) has long been in place and I am in no way saying it should be changed or is a bad rule.

KoalaKing brought up a good point with the deck searching example. If I use a mandatory search ability such as Herod the Great but don't have Herod's Temple in my deck, should I be required to show my opponent my entire deck? That is the logical extension of the proposal dealing with the hand.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2014, 01:59:57 AM »
The rule that a card must be shown after a specific search (i.e. Ethiopian Treasurer searching for a no-SA good enhancement) has long been in place and I am in no way saying it should be changed or is a bad rule.

I am Holy's ability has been ruled as "clarifying text." That would mean that the reveal is the default and no longer needs to be printed on the card. Perhaps it is regional, but I have always known the reveal of hand to be the existing rule.

KoalaKing brought up a good point with the deck searching example. If I use a mandatory search ability such as Herod the Great but don't have Herod's Temple in my deck, should I be required to show my opponent my entire deck? That is the logical extension of the proposal dealing with the hand.

Redoubter already stated that a "failed search" option would simultaneously be implemented, in that all searches will inherently be optional.
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Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2014, 03:58:20 AM »
Cards should say, for example: "Search your deck for a good enhancement and reveal it." or "Opponent discards a good card from hand. If he or she has none they must reveal their hand."

We define plenty of abilities through the ability instead of the card.  We absolutely should not spell everything out, that is too long and cumbersome.  Exchange has an inherent search in it, and it is defined as such.

Using key terms is something that is beneficial to the game, and is standard practice for CCGs for good reason.  Explicit text is too long, too clunky to write, and too hard to change after the fact.

I know all about keywords, and I'm not saying we shouldn't use them, what I'm saying that even MTG which takes significant advantage of Keywords, but still every ability that searches a deck for a specific card says "reveal it" explicitly. I'm not saying that I would complain if (and in the case of searches that) they are defined, but I do prefer things to be explicit if possible. It doesn't take long to say "reveal it" on a search card or "if you cannot, reveal your hand" but maybe I'm just dreaming.
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Offline Drrek

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2014, 05:16:09 AM »
but still every ability that searches a deck for a specific card says "reveal it" explicitly.

What? That's not true at all.  Here's Herod the Great for example

Search deck for Herod’s Temple. Return all but one Hero in battle to territory. Prevent good banding abilities. Cannot be prevented by a Hero.

there's no reveal it in there.
The user formerly known as Easty.

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2014, 07:25:00 AM »
but still every ability that searches a deck for a specific card says "reveal it" explicitly.

What? That's not true at all. 

Before the part you quoted he said "in MTG."  ;)

It doesn't take long to say "reveal it" on a search card or "if you cannot, reveal your hand" but maybe I'm just dreaming.

I understand and agree with you, CS. However, I think they are trying to conserve space so that SAs can include more and more with each new set. I have seen cards be more versatile, having several different abilities, so that they can be used in several different scenarios. I like the idea overall, but I certainly do not disagree that it would be nice for every card to include any unwritten defaults. In fact, it would be dreamy.  ;D

What we really need is for all defaults to be included in the rules/REG. The REG was streamlined and relegated more to an expanded rulebook. It used to be very detailed and included specific scenarios of possible misunderstandings. Without that ultimate source, I fear that we are back to regions making different rulings on situations like the one we are currently debating. I want to see a "change" here, but that is the way I have always played it in the past anyway. Justin does not want a change, but that is the way he has always played it. We created an impasse that actually happened a long time ago. I am just hopeful it is not too late to reconsider.  :D
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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2014, 11:01:22 AM »
To be honest, I thought that revealing your hand if you have the target card was a rule too before reading this thread, however, now that I know it's not, I don't think it needs to be changed that way. The way I see it, here are the benefits of each side so far:
Having to Reveal (HtR)
-Prevents cheating

Not Having to Reveal (NHtR)
-Keeps your hand unknown from your opponent
-Prevents cheating

I say that the NHtR side prevents cheating because if a player wants to he can call over a judge, or, as Justin said, ask the guy next to him, to confirm. Now, if I was one to cheat then I wouldn't either way (if my opponent got to see or my neighbors got to see) so I believe that the NHtR side is better as a whole because it would prevent cheating (possibly with a little more work on the judge's end) and it would give competitive players, such as myself, the edge they want.

Now, I have never actually played any of the Alstads, but I am fairly certain that any one of them could play an entire game with their hand face up on the table, and they would still win 9 out of 10 games they play. So, ultimately, we are only talking about that one game where this may make a difference.
Yeah, but you're leaving out the common instances where we play each other. ;)

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2014, 11:52:18 AM »
I say that the NHtR side prevents cheating because if a player wants to he can call over a judge, or, as Justin said, ask the guy next to him, to confirm.

I disagree that this evens out the prospect of cheating. Most young players would not question an older player out of respect. Even older new players are not likely to question a seasoned veteran.

Besides, I was raised that good workers do not make more work for other workers. Your position makes more work for the judges, when it could more easily be managed between opponents, without third party intervention. Judges have more to take care of then just this particular situation, especially when the judge is also the host. I still have to be concerned with time keeping, score keeping, and lunch break. This is in addition to all the other ruling questions I have to answer throughout each round, which are quite frequent because I have so many young players.

So the actual tally looks more like this:

Having to Reveal (HtR)
-Prevents cheating

Not Having to Reveal (NHtR)
-Makes more work for other people
-I can win more
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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2014, 11:58:52 AM »
This is not exactly related to the topic of revealing your hand, but I would like to add my observations about the topic of cheating.  I have only attended two local events and both times as a guest (non-player).  In each of these events while I casually observing I witnessed two minor instances of a player cheating.

The Bible teaches that in cases of discipline or dispute among fellow believers when confronting the person another witness is recommended (Matthew 18:16).  Therefore, using a judge or neighbor would be appropriate.
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2014, 12:07:12 PM »
The Bible teaches that in cases of discipline or dispute among fellow believers when confronting the person another witness is recommended (Matthew 18:16).  Therefore, using a judge or neighbor would be appropriate.

That would be true after the cheating has occurred. We are talking about a proposal that would prevent the cheating in the first place. That way when the temptation occurs, God has provided a way out (I Corinthians 10:13).   ;D
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Offline Drrek

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Re: Apprehended - Hand Knowledge
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2014, 09:08:27 PM »

Before the part you quoted he said "in MTG."  ;)

I have zero idea how my brain skipped over that part of the sentence.+
The user formerly known as Easty.


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