Author Topic: Basic question about negate card type?  (Read 1132 times)

Offline cronos177

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Basic question about negate card type?
« on: July 26, 2013, 07:31:19 PM »
    I am still very new to the game, less than a week, and I have some questions. I just got the new Starter I/J, and there are a few cards specifically to the Negate [Card Type] including:

  Ruth and John : Negate Evil Characters. Does this means Evil Characters Special Abilities do not activate when they enter battle(except Banding? and or ongoing abilities "from what I have read")? Or evil Characters cannot be placed on Players Territory from hand? Or Evil characters cannot enter battle?
  Peter: Negate Demons. Demons Special abilities only?  same questions from above but regarding demons.
  Foul Spirit: Negate Heroes. Same as above.
  Selfish Kinsman: Negate Enchantments. Would this negate only the special abilities on enchantments except the */* on them?
          Is the negate a special ability? that is activates only when entering battle? What about John vs Job's wife (All special abilities on Character cards and enhancement cards except this one are negated. Battle is determined by the numbers.)  Would John negate this ability if he is in Play first? , Or it is at the moment they enter battle? that those abilities happen?

      I play this game, because I did not wanted to play MTG, but this game seems superficially simple to play and learn, but I find so many details that are hard to grasp, such as using magic terms, the "stack" in this game is composed of up to two enhancements one from each player, for example I play an enhancement, then you have initiative to play another enhancement, and unless you play an interrupt those two enhancements need to resolve before you can play anything else? Is that how it works?
                         I really appreciate your help and patience.

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Re: Basic question about negate card type?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 08:12:31 PM »
Ruth and John's Negate evil characters means that the special abilities on any evil character in essence does not exist. Your opponent can still use those ECs to block, but it's if they did not have a special ability at all. Evil characters can still be placed in territory on the player's turn and can still enter battle. Foul Spirit works the same way IF it's not blocking Ruth or John. Selfish Kinsman treats all enhancements as if they are strictly numbers without a special ability.

John prevents Job's Wife's ability from activating, so it would not be a Battle By the Numbers

I am not sure what you are asking about the play first question. And can you clarify a bit what you mean about the enhancements?
I think you mean this.

Player A makes a rescue attempt with John. Player B blocks with Controlling Demon, whose special ability means nothing due to John's negation. John is 5/5 and Controlling Demon is 4/11. Player B put the battle into stalemate so John gets initiative to play an enhancement. Let's say Player A uses Authority of Peter to try and remove Controlling Demon and get a hero from the discard (let's say James). Player B has initiative to play Evil Strength to negate Authority of Peter's ability and discard it, resulting back in the original stalemate situation. Player A could then play Wonderment to negate Evil's Strength's negate and discard Evil Strength, reactivating the Authority of Peter removing Controlling Demon from the game. It would then be Player B's initiative to play another negate or risk his evil character being removed from the game. Does that help?

Offline cronos177

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Re: Basic question about negate card type?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 08:25:02 PM »
  Yes, that clears most of my questions, Negate strictly refers to Special Abilities. But how is it that after Player B played Evil Strength it when back to stalemate?  Was it rather Player A was Losing by Numbers So he got initiative? 

« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 08:45:15 PM by cronos177 »

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Re: Basic question about negate card type?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2013, 08:37:16 PM »
Yes, that clears most of my questions, Negate strictly refers to Special Abilities. But how is it that after Player B played Evil Strength it when back to stalemate?  Was it rather Player A was Losing by Numbers So he got initiative?

Yes, the numbers on Evil Strength would mean that Controlling Demon was defeating John and therefore John would have initiative.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline cronos177

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Re: Basic question about negate card type?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2013, 08:46:07 PM »
Based on the initiative I just encountered another question. Player A does a rescue attempt with Samson 12/6 , player B blocks with Ahaziah 5/7 , Samson is winning therefore Player B has initiative?.. so he plays Dungeon of Malchiah (Take any Hero prisoner and place Hero in your opponent's Land of Bondage. Hero is treated as a Lost Soul.) (Samson is winning by numbers) or is he losing because of the ability? Assuming he is losing Does Player A has initiative to play Shamgar's Oxgoad (Discard an Evil Character (or 2 evil Philistines). ) to Discard Ahaziah, or does it HAVE to be a Negate Enhancement in order to negate the Ability since Dungeon of Malchiah was played first?  :-\

Offline Red Wing

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Re: Basic question about negate card type?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2013, 08:51:49 PM »
Samson is losing because of the ability. Player A can only play a negate/interrupt enhancement.
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