Author Topic: Banding questions.  (Read 711 times)

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Banding questions.
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:43:43 AM »
Lot's wife SA: May band to any EC

Ananias (crimson) SA: May band to Sapphira CBN

Sapphira: Negate all SA on characters and enhancements except this one.

Scribe part of SA: May band to a Sadducee or Pharisee.

Pharisees (SA does not matter)

1. Example  Lot's wife (starts the block) bands to Ananias and then Ananias bands to Sapphira.
In this example would Lot's wife get kicked out of battle and the other 2 stay in battle or would all 3 characters stay in battle?

2. Example Lot's wife bands to Scribe then Scribe bands to Pharisees.
     then a good card negates Lot's wife SA.
Does Scribe get kicked out of battle  and Lot's wife + Pharisees stay in battle , or does scribe and pharisees get returned to territory?

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Re: Banding questions.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 10:51:51 AM »
1. Ananias is kicked out, and the battle is Lot's Wife and Sapphira.  Sapphira cannot indirectly negate herself, so the FBTN stays regardless of anything else (even if Lot's Wife had banded to her directly).  She can negate Lot's Wife, which is why Ananias is kicked out.  However, Ananias cannot be negated, so the band to Sapphira sticks.

2. All of the bands that are not CBI or CBN are negated, and those characters are removed from battle.  All effects that are not CBI or CBN on the banded characters that are removed from battle are cascade-negated (so if Scribe underdecked an enhancement, that is negated).  Only Lot's Wife remains with the cards you indicated.

Offline kram1138

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Re: Banding questions.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 10:52:19 AM »
1: Lot's wife is negated. That means Ananias is kicked out. But Ananias' ability is CBN, so Sapphira would stay in battle. So it would be Lot's wife and Sapphira left.

2: In this case, everything can be negated, so Lot's Wife is negated, which kicks out Scribe. Scribe's ability is cascade negated and Pharisee is kicked out as well, leaving on'y Lot's wife in battle.

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Re: Banding questions.
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2015, 10:56:37 AM »
Whoa..... deja vu!   :o
My wife is a hottie.


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