Author Topic: banding question and other question.  (Read 677 times)

Offline redemption collector 777

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banding question and other question.
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:16:23 PM »
Delilah SA: may band to a male human evil character. 

Philistine Armor Bearer SA: you may exchange this card with an evil philistine in your deck or discard pile (other part does not matter) CBN

Goliath part of SA: Negate all band , draw and play abilities CBN.

1. If Delilah banded to Armor bearer and then armor bearer exchanged with Goliath , would Delilah stay in battle with Goliath?

 (this question seems similar to the Simeon banding to AWTSN and then exchanging with Moses)

2. If Matthew drew 3 cards and then Goliath entered battle (returning him to territory) would the draw 3 be negated even though Matthew is not in battle?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 11:19:59 PM by redemption collector 777 »

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: banding question and other question.
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2015, 11:28:27 PM »
1) I believe both Goliath and Delilah would stay in battle.

Delilah would definitely stay in battle because she wasn't banded in, so no amount of negating will stop that. I could see Goliath being kicked out of battle, but only because exchange is a weird ability, Goliath negates the band, which originally targeted Philistine Armor Bearer and some properties follow as characters are exchanged (In T2 if you are attempting to rescue a Lost Soul and it gets exchanged you can rescue the exchanged Lost Soul that now occupies the same game space (or whatever we call it) as your original target, so in that sense I could see Goliath kicked out of battle... I just don't think that's the current rules.

2) The draw would be negated because Goliath isn't limited to only negating cards in battle.
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Re: banding question and other question.
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2015, 11:32:41 PM »
Goliath would stay in battle because the exchange is CBN. It is the same concept as the Simeon - AutO - Moses band.
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